Goal Setting for Moms Part 3: What are the Best Fitness Goals for Moms?

Goal Setting for Moms Part 3:  What are the Best Fitness Goals for Moms?

As moms, we all want to be our best selves – physically, mentally, and emotionally. But sometimes it can be a challenge to stay motivated when it comes to physical goals. After all, taking care of a family doesn't leave much time for self-care! That’s why I’ve put together this list of physical goals that will help you maintain your holistic lifestyle while also improving your overall health and wellness. 

Get Moving!
You don’t need to hit the gym in order to reap the benefits of physical activity. There are plenty of ways that you can get moving - some without even breaking a sweat! Take some time each day to do yoga or Pilates, dig around in your garden, or go for a walk around the neighborhood with your family. If you are ready to break a sweat, taking classes is one way to get your workout in- spinning, Zumba, or HIIT are all great!  But once again, gyms are not necessary; take a bike ride with your kids around your neighborhood, run around the park, or use YouTube or other videos to pick whatever workout you like.  It’s important to remember that any kind of movement is beneficial – so don’t be afraid to try something new or get your family moving with you! We all know that kids sleep better when they get exercise, too!  Make this a SMART goal by being specific about what you will do, when you will do it and how much time you will spend doing it.  

Eat Well and Hydrate 
Physical health isn't just about exercising – it's also about what you put into your body! Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants especially from lots of fruits & vegetables, lean proteins (especially from beans, nuts & seeds), healthy fats (like avocados, nuts & seeds), and complex carbohydrates(from vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains) is essential for maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Dumping the empty calories and junk food food will go a long way to helping you feel your best.  Additionally, make sure that you're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If plain water gets too boring for you, try adding some fresh organic fruit slices, herbs like mint or basil, or these vitality drops for natural flavor!  Make this a SMART goal by being specific about what you will/will not consume, how much, what times, with who, etc. 

Take Time For Yourself 
Finally, one of the most important components of physical health is taking time for yourself. This could mean scheduling an hour out of your week for yoga classes or even just taking twenty minutes out of your day for a relaxing hot bath. Taking time away from work and family responsibilities will allow you to recharge both mentally and physically so that you can take on each day with energy and enthusiasm.  Sometimes this seems impossible with everything on your plate, so get your family, and especially your spouse, on board so they can help you get some time for yourself on a regular basis.  Make this a SMART goal by being specific about what you will do, when, with who, who will help you, etc. 

As holistic moms, it's important to remain mindful of our physical health as well as our mental well-being. I know how hard it can be at some stages of motherhood, but it is do-able and necessary to prevent burnout. By setting achievable physical goals such as getting moving, eating well and staying hydrated, and taking time for yourself each day – even if it's just 10-20 minutes – you'll be able to maintain your holistic lifestyle while also improving your overall health and wellness. Try implementing these tips today – your body will thank you later!

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Goal setting for moms Part 2: What is a SMART Goal?

Goal setting for moms Part 2:  What is a SMART Goal?

Moms are busy. You juggle work, family, and home life with finesse, or at least with practicality. But sometimes, it can be difficult to take the time to set goals. I get it! That’s why I'm here to help you make goal-setting easy and effective. Setting smart goals can help you make sure you are being realistic and reaching your goals in a timely manner. Let’s explore how smart goal-setting can help build a better future for your family!

What Are Smart Goals? 
Smart goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These five elements will help you design a successful plan that gets results in a timely manner. With smart goals, you define what success looks like—and when you want to achieve it. Here are a few tips for creating smart goals of your own: 

Specificity is Key 
When setting a goal, specificity is essential in order to track progress and measure success. Get specific about what success looks like so that you know when you've achieved it. This means that you should be able to answer “who, what, when, where, and why” about your goal. For example, if your financial goal is to save money each month, decide how much that amount should be and where the money should go (emergency fund vs retirement savings). This specificity will help ensure that your goals have tangible outcomes attached.    

Measurable: If you can measure progress towards your goal, then it will be easier to stay motivated while working towards it. For example, if your goal is related to fitness or weight loss, then tracking your food intake or miles ran would be relevant measures of progress that indicate whether or not you are on track with achieving your goal by the end date you set. I like having charts to check off my progress; it helps keep me motivated.

Make Your Goals Achievable 
It's important that your goals are achievable within the given time frame. Setting realistic expectations will help keep you motivated and increase the likelihood of achieving them successfully. For instance, if you have a goal to read a book that will help you understand your child's health better, don't look at the 300 pages - break it up into chapters or pages to read per day, even if it is 1 chapter or half a chapter per day. This way, each milestone feels more attainable and helps keep momentum going towards achieving the overall goal faster than if done in one big push. 

Relevant: Your goal should reflect things that are important in life - those things which align with your values and beliefs. When setting goals, make sure they are relevant to where you are at in life currently as well as where you ultimately want to go in the future; otherwise, there may not be enough incentive or motivation for reaching them successfully over time.  Let's face it - if you have a newborn, your goals will look drastically different than if you are an empty-nester.                                                                                                                     
Time-Bound: All good SMART goals need an end date attached so that they become tangible targets that can be worked towards over a specified period of time; without one, it may become difficult (or less likely) for success since there is no sense of urgency associated with their completion if left open-ended indefinitely. Additionally, having an end date gives us something concrete and attainable upon which we can focus our efforts until successful completion occurs on that day!  So don't be afraid to give yourself a date to finish your home project!  Even if you don't complete it by that date, you will be further along than if you didn't set a time limit.

At the end of the day, setting smart goals can be extremely beneficial for moms who are looking to make improvements in their lives while juggling everyday tasks and responsibilities. By getting specific about what success looks like and making sure that goals are achievable within a certain timeframe, you can create an actionable plan that keeps you on track toward accomplishing your desired outcome quickly and easily! So grab some post-it notes or open up a new spreadsheet — it's time to start setting those SMART Goals! Good luck!

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Goal setting for Moms Part 1

Goal setting for Moms Part 1
Are you a mom who is looking to set goals that you can actually achieve? If so, you’re in the right place! The new year is a great time to make sure that your goals encompass all aspects of life—physical, spiritual, mental, social, and financial—so that you can achieve a truly holistic approach to goal setting. Let’s get started! 

SMART Goals 
The first step in any successful goal-setting journey is to ensure that your goals are SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Without these five components working together in harmony, it’s unlikely that your goals will be effective or achievable. For example, if your goal is “I want to be healthier,” then it won’t be as effective as “I want to lose 10 lbs by March 1st by eating whole foods and exercising for 45 minutes four times per week.” See the difference? The second goal has all the components of a SMART goal and provides you with an action plan. It also has built-in accountability because you have an attainable timeline and measurable results.  

Physical Goals 
Physical goals are often the most popular when it comes to goal setting because they are tangible and measurable (hello, SMART!), but they can also be difficult to stick with because they require dedication and hard work. Some physical goals may include running a 5K race or losing weight through diet or exercise. However, physical health doesn't just mean hitting the gym; it also includes eating the right foods and getting enough restful sleep every night so that you can take on each day with energy and enthusiasm. Additionally, physical health involves taking time for yourself – whether this means scheduling time for yoga or simply taking 20 minutes out of your day for a relaxing hot bath – so that you can recharge both mentally and physically.  
Spiritual Goals 
Spiritual growth involves connecting with God and our own inner wisdom so we can manifest our greatest desires while staying true to ourselves along the way. Spiritual goals may look different from person to person; some may involve daily prayer and attending church regularly, while others may bring intentionality into their daily meditations or engage in mindful activities like journaling or creative arts projects. Whatever form these spiritual goals take on in your life should align with what brings peace and clarity into your everyday life.   

Mental Goals 
Mental goals refer to activities that stimulate and challenge your mind. These could include learning a new language, getting back into painting or drawing after years away from practice, or playing chess with friends every Sunday afternoon.  These could also include joining a book club or picking an area of focus to learn about for the year.  Anything that keeps the mind active and engaged is a great way to stay sharp this year!  

Social Goals 
Achieving social success doesn’t necessarily mean having a big group of friends or being popular on social media (although both can certainly help). Instead, focus on setting yourself up for meaningful relationships with those who make you feel good about yourself and treat you with respect. This could include things like joining a local mommy meet-up, going to the gym, or taking a class at your local community center. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that helps you form real connections and relationships with people who support and lift you up.

Financial Goals 
Financial goals include career goals as well as budgeting and saving. Including career and earning goals is important if you are working so you can stay at the top of your game and increase your wealth.  Creating an emergency savings fund is a great way to ease stress when the unexpected happens. Other great goals could include paying off any high-interest debt or investing in retirement funds.  Peace of mind comes with financial goals and planning.  

No matter what type of holistic goals you set at the beginning of this new year—whether physical, spiritual, mental, social, or financial—remember that it's ok if things don't go according to plan sometimes (or even most of the time!). Life happens! Just stay focused on what matters most – being true to yourself – and make sure all other goals flow naturally from there! Good luck!

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How to Self-Advocate in Healthcare Part 2

How to Self-Advocate in Healthcare Part 2
Navigating the health care system can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially if you’re trying to advocate for yourself and your family. As a mom, it can feel like a constant battle to get the care you need, but with some strategic self-advocacy tactics, you can empower yourself to move beyond simply accepting what doctors tell you. In this blog post we'll explore how moms of all backgrounds can approach healthcare providers armed with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about their own health and wellbeing.

1.  Understand Your Rights and Make Sure Your Medical Professional Understands Your Rights
As a patient, you have certain rights that you should be aware of. These rights include the right to receive information about your diagnosis, the right to participate in decision-making about your care, the right to refuse treatment, and the right to access your medical records. It is important to understand these rights so that you can assert them if necessary.  Ask your medical professional to give you a copy of the patient's bill of rights and to read it to you.  That way you both hear the same things and can be on the same page.

2.  Speak Up for Yourself
If you feel like you are not being heard or respected by your healthcare team, it is important to speak up for yourself. This can be difficult, but it is important to remember that you are the expert on your own body and you deserve to have a say in your care.  If your medical professional will not listen to you ore respect your opinion, knowledge. or personal research, you do not have to continue with that same person!

3.  Be Informed
In order to get the best possible care, it is important to be informed about your own care. This means asking questions, providing information about your symptoms and health history, and following up with your healthcare team after appointments.  This also means reading all the information given to you, including inserts for medications (including vaccinations).

4.  Advocate for Yourself Outside of the Doctor’s Office
There are many things you can do outside of the doctor’s office to advocate for your own health. This includes staying informed about your condition, staying up-to-date on treatments and research, and joining support groups or online communities.  This also includes finding information on alternative treatments, therapies, and diet that you can actively participate in to support yourself at home.

5.  Seek a Second Opinion
If you are not comfortable with the care you are receiving from your current healthcare team, you have the right to seek a second opinion from another provider. This can be a helpful way to get more information about your condition and treatment options.  This can be even more helpful if your current healthcare professionals are not of the same mindset in treatments. 

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how we advocate for ourselves in health care. I'm not talking about insurance companies or the government, but rather our individual interactions with medical professionals. Whether it's asking tough questions, getting second opinions or standing up for what we believe in, self-advocacy is essential to getting the best possible care. But advocating for oneself can be difficult and sometimes even scary. So I wanted to open up the conversation and see how others do it. Do you have any tips or tricks for self-advocating? Let me know in the comments below!
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How do I Self-Advocate in Healthcare Part 1

How do I Self-Advocate in Healthcare Part 1
Are you a mom feeling like she's not getting the health care she needs? Do you feel lost in how to get what’s best for your body and health today, as well as into the future? Self-advocating in healthcare can seem daunting but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post we explore actionable steps you can take to better understand, communicate and work with traditional medical practitioners--leading to healthier outcomes for you and your family!

1.  Know Your Rights
One of the most important things you can do when it comes to self-advocating in healthcare is to know your rights. Every patient has the right to receive quality healthcare, and you should never feel like you are being treated unfairly or receiving sub-par care. If you feel like your rights are not being respected, don't hesitate to speak up.  This is especially important when you prefer alternative treatments.  The mainstream way of doing things many times is at odds with natural ways of doing things.  You deserve respect even if and especially if you disagree with what you have been told is the "best" treatment.

2.  Be an Active Participant in Your Care
Another important thing to remember when self-advocating in healthcare is that you need to be an active participant in your own care. This means asking questions, doing research, and making sure that you understand ALL of the options available to you.  Not just the options given in a doctor's office. It's also important to communicate openly with your healthcare team and to make sure that they are aware of your preferences and needs.  You must be open with your communication so your preferences are known.  

3.  Advocate for Yourself and Others
When it comes to self-advocating in healthcare, it's not just about advocating for yourself—it's also about advocating for others. This includes speaking up if you witness someone else being treated unfairly or receiving sub-par care. It's also important to educate yourself and others about patients' rights so that everyone can be better informed and prepared to advocate for themselves in healthcare settings. As a mom, advocating for your children is top priority as they cannot advocate for themselves yet.  As they get older, talk with them and help them practice advocating for themselves so they will be confident once they reach the age when they will need to do it for themselves.

4.  Be Persistent
If at first you don't succeed in getting the healthcare you deserve, don't give up—be persistent. Remember that you have a right to quality care, and you should never settle for anything less. This can be a little time consuming, and involve a lot of phone calls and emails, but your persistence will pay off.  Many times, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."  Don't give up!

5.  Know When to Seek Help
There are times when self-advocating in healthcare can be overwhelming, and it's important to know when to seek help from a professional. If you are dealing with a complex health issue or if you feel like you're not getting anywhere on your own, reach out to a patient advocate or other professional who can help you navigate the system and get the care you need.

By self-advocating in healthcare - you're being smart and proactive. The reality is that most medical professionals are incredibly busy and have set preferences, and it's important to be your own advocate when it comes to your health. By asking questions, getting second opinions, and doing your own research, you can make sure that you're getting the best possible care. So don't be afraid to speak up for yourself - your health is worth it! What do you do to advocate for yourself with medical professionals? Share your tips in the comments below!
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