What Happened When I Didn't Self Advocate

What Happened When I Didn't Self Advocate
When I was 21, I had my first child.  After having an epidural, I experienced a lot of back pain and went to a back specialist.  He offered to adjust my back as he felt my hips were misaligned.  He had adjusted my back a few times before, but when I told family members that I was getting my back adjusted, they warned me to be careful of being adjusted because early onset osteoporosis runs in my family.  I expressed my concerns to the doctor, and he literally laughed in my face, saying it wasn't possible to have osteoporosis at my age.  His tone was derisive and scornful.

Looking back now, I should have walked out of the office right then.  He was so disrespectful and didn't even offer to check with an X-ray or bone density test.  But hindsight is 20/20.  I didn't have the confidence at that point to stand up for myself.  I didn't have all the information I needed.  I had a deeply held respect for authority and the belief that doctors knew best.  As he wielded his "I know better than you" card, I shrank and felt so dumb for even bringing up the possibility that he dismissed so completely.  I felt so embarrassed that I didn't even think to ask to be tested.

I humbly climbed up on the table.  He proceeded to crack up, up, up my spine until I heard a crunch and felt pain.  I yelped.  As I stood up, that pain was still there.  I twisted and stretched and told him it hurt, and he brushed it off, saying adjustments are sometimes uncomfortable and it would work itself out.  The pain didn't go away that day, and the next morning, that one spot on my spine was throbbing.  I was traveling for the weekend and sat in a car all day while the pain worsened.  My trip was physically excruciating and miserable, although I tried to smile through the pain. 

When I returned, I went back and demanded an X-ray. I told him the pain started when he adjusted my back before my trip and only got worse each day.  Sure enough, I had a compression fracture.  He and I both knew exactly what had happened.  I was also diagnosed with osteopenia, the precursor to osteoporosis, which was clear from looking at the X-ray.  He was wrong. 

Doctors can be wrong.  They are often wrong!  Much of what they do is guesswork. And they hurt patients because of it!  Many of them are so full of themselves that they won't listen when a patient expresses concerns.  Many of them think they are infallible and don't bother looking into things further when they should. This is a huge problem!  

But another problem is that patients trust too much as I did.  They don't advocate for themselves or walk out when they should. Patients don't do their own research and aren't armed with the knowledge that builds confidence to stand up for themselves.  This can be corrected!  This is one of the biggest reasons I created this website.  I am arming moms with knowledge and confidence to advocate for their own health, both at home and at the doctor's office.      

Read how I got through this time with an infant and a broken back here.
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What are the 5 signs of inflammation?

What are the 5 signs of inflammation?
Inflammation is a natural process that occurs in our bodies when we are injured or ill. But it can also be an indicator of something more serious. It's important for holistic moms to know the signs of inflammation so they can take action if necessary and keep their families healthy. Let’s take a look at five key signs of inflammation. 

1.  Redness
One of the most obvious signs of inflammation is redness. Redness can range from mild pinkness to bright redness, depending on the severity of the inflammation. When an area of the body becomes inflamed, the blood vessels in the area dilate and cause the skin to appear red. This is often accompanied by warmth, as increased blood flow to the area causes the temperature to rise. This is often one of the first signs that something is wrong and can be a sign of a variety of different conditions.   Keep in mind that redness doesn't always mean there's an injury—it could be inflammation in other forms, such as a rash. 

2.  Swelling
Swelling is another common sign of inflammation. When an area is inflamed, fluid and white blood cells (immune cells) accumulate in the tissue, causing it to swell. Swelling can often be painful, as it puts pressure on the nerves in the area.  This can often be accompanied redness as well. When inflammation occurs, swelling is usually present. Swelling may cause the affected area to appear larger than normal, due to fluid buildup in the tissue surrounding it. This can cause impaired mobility and difficulty performing normal activities.

3.  Heat
Another common sign of inflammation is heat. When an area of the body is inflamed, the blood vessels in the area become more active and this often causes an increase in temperature in the affected area. The increased blood flow to the area (which is part of the healing process) brings more heat with it. In some cases, the skin may even feel hot to the touch. This can often be accompanied by redness, as well. Heat may also indicate an infection or abscess which requires medical treatment, so don't ignore any sudden changes in temperature around an inflamed area!  

4.  Pain
Pain is a common symptom of inflammation, as the increased activity of the blood vessels and swelling puts pressure on the nerves in the area. Inflammation can also cause pain by releasing chemicals that sensitize nerve endings. Additionally, inflammation can lead to muscle aches and joint pain. When an area of the body is inflamed, the pain can also be due to tissue damage. This pain can range from mild to severe, depending on the intensity of the inflammation.  Inflammation often causes pain, whether it’s localized or radiating throughout the body. That’s why it often feels like throbbing or burning—your body is trying to alert you that something isn’t right. Pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and can range from mild to severe.

5.  Loss of function
Inflammation can also cause a loss of function in the affected area. When an area of the body is inflamed, it can often become difficult or impossible to use that part of the body properly. This is due to swelling and pain, which can make it difficult to move the affected body part. In some cases, inflammation can also lead to organ damage, which can cause a loss of function in that organ.  This can range from mild (such as joint stiffness) to severe (such as paralysis). If left untreated, this may lead to long-term impairment or disability due to muscle atrophy and other complications resulting from prolonged lack of activity or movement in the affected area(s).  

Knowing these five signs of inflammation will help holistic moms protect their families and seek appropriate treatment if necessary. Remember that while some forms of inflammation are normal and will heal on their own over time with rest and proper nutrition, prolonged inflammation should not be ignored as it can lead to more serious issues down the road if left untreated! Make sure to consult your physician if you experience any signs of inflammation lasting longer than three days!
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