Tips to Avoid Heat Related Illness

Tips to Avoid Heat Related Illness
As we dive into the height of summer, it's essential to find ways to keep cool and comfortable.  It will be over 100 all week where I live - over 110 several days - totally crazy heat just in time for everyone to be outside for 4th of July celebrations!  Be sure to keep your family, pets, and gardens well hydrated and cared for. This week, I'm sharing natural tips to help your family beat the heat and enjoy the sunny days ahead.  See below for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and what to do when it happens.

🌟 Tips to Beat the Heat and Prevent Heat-Related Illness:

1. Stay Hydrated
   Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you're not thirsty. When it's hot, drink more than half your body weight in ounces. Enhance it with slices of cucumber, lemon, or fresh berries for added flavor and nutrients.
   Get electrolytes in your system. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes and water—these must be replaced! Try coconut water, sea salt, Ningxia Red, or Vitality Drops in your water.
   -Avoid alcohol, sodas, and caffeinated drinks as they can dehydrate you.

2. Eat Cooling Foods:
   - Incorporate hydrating and cooling foods into your meals. Cucumbers, watermelon, and leafy greens are perfect summer staples.
   - Make chilled soups or smoothies to keep meals light and refreshing.

3. Natural Cooling Remedies:
   - Keep a spray bottle filled with water, witch hazel, and a few drops of peppermint essential oil in the fridge. Spritz on your face and neck for instant refreshment. (Carefully avoid eyes)
   - Use aloe vera gel, or Lavaderm after sun spray from the fridge to soothe and cool sun-exposed skin.

4. Create Shade:
   - Set up shaded areas in your backyard with umbrellas or canopies.
   - Encourage indoor activities during the peak heat hours from 10 AM to 4 PM.

5. Dress Smart:
   - Opt for light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen.
   - Hats and sunglasses are essential for protecting from the sun.

6. Take Breaks in Cool Areas:
   -Regularly move to shaded or air-conditioned areas to cool down.

7. Use Sunscreen: 
   -Protect your skin from sunburn, which can affect the body’s ability to cool down.

8. Limit Outdoor Activities
   -Schedule strenuous activities for cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening.

9. Know Your Risk
   -Certain individuals, such as young children, older adults, those taking certain medications, and those with chronic illnesses, are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses and should take extra precautions.

10. Never Leave Children or Pets in Cars
   -Cars can heat up rapidly, even with the windows slightly open, leading to dangerous conditions quickly.

11. Acclimatize to the Heat
   -Over time, gradually increase the time spent in the heat to allow your body to adjust.

Understanding the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke is crucial, especially during the summer months when outdoor activities are frequent. Here’s a detailed guide to help identify and respond to these heat-related conditions.

🌞 Signs of Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body overheats and cannot cool down effectively, often due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures and insufficient fluid intake. It's a condition that can lead to heat stroke if not addressed promptly.

Key Signs and Symptoms:
1. Heavy Sweating: Profuse sweating is a primary symptom as the body tries to cool itself down.
2. Cool, Clammy Skin: The skin may feel cool and moist to the touch despite the heat.
3. Paleness: The skin may appear pale.
4. Muscle Cramps: Painful cramps can occur, especially in the legs or abdomen.
5. Fatigue: A feeling of extreme tiredness or weakness is common.
6. Dizziness: Lightheadedness or a feeling of faintness may be present.
7. Headache: Often, heat exhaustion is accompanied by a throbbing headache.
8. Nausea or Vomiting: Feeling sick to the stomach or vomiting can occur.
9. Fainting: In severe cases, fainting may happen due to reduced blood flow to the brain.
10. Rapid Heartbeat: The pulse may become fast and weak.

Immediate Actions:
- Move to a cooler place (shade or indoors).
- Loosen clothing.
- Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water with electrolytes or sports drinks.
- Apply cool, wet cloths to the skin or take a cool bath.
- Elevate the legs slightly to improve blood circulation.
- Rest and avoid physical activity.

🔥 Signs of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a severe, life-threatening condition where the body's temperature regulation system fails, causing the body temperature to rise to dangerous levels quickly. It requires immediate medical attention.

Key Signs and Symptoms:
1. High Body Temperature: Core body temperature of 103°F (39.4°C) or higher.
2. Hot, Dry Skin: Skin may feel hot and dry due to a cessation of sweating, although sweating may still occur in some cases.
3. Red, Flushed Skin: The skin may turn red as body temperature increases.
4. Rapid, Strong Pulse: The heart rate may become very fast and strong.
5. Throbbing Headache: A severe headache is often present.
6. Dizziness or Confusion: Mental state changes, including dizziness, confusion, agitation, or even loss of consciousness.
7. Nausea or Vomiting: Severe stomach upset or vomiting.
8. Seizures: In extreme cases, heat stroke can cause seizures.
9. Altered Mental State: Delirium, slurred speech, or coma may occur.

Immediate Actions:
- Call 911 or seek emergency medical assistance immediately.
- Move the person to a cooler environment (shade or air-conditioned area).
- Try to cool the person rapidly using whatever methods available:
  - Immerse in a cool bath or shower.
  - Spray with cool water from a hose or misting bottle.
  - Apply ice packs to armpits, groin, neck, and back.
  - Fan while misting with cool water.
- Do not give fluids if the person is unconscious or not fully alert.
- Continue cooling efforts until emergency medical help arrives.

Recognizing and acting on the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke can save lives. Always take preventive measures and respond promptly if symptoms arise to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones during hot weather.
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12 Reasons to Plant Flowers and Flowering Herbs in Your Garden

12 Reasons to Plant Flowers and Flowering Herbs in Your Garden
I didn't take flowers seriously when I first started growing a vegetable garden.  I only planted the foods I wanted to eat.  But over the years, I have learned that flowers are actually necessary to have in your garden!  
Planting flowers and flowering herbs in your garden offers a multitude of benefits beyond just adding beauty. Here are twelve reasons to include them in your garden:

1. Pollination Support: Flowers, especially those rich in nectar and pollen, attract essential pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. 
Flowers produce nectar and pollen, essential food sources for pollinators. By planting a diverse range of flowers that bloom at different times of the year, you can provide a continuous food supply for these important creatures. For example, early bloomers like crocuses and late-season flowers like asters ensure that pollinators have resources throughout their active seasons. These pollinators are crucial for the reproduction of many plants, including vegetables and fruits in your garden. When I figured this out, my garden production soared!

2. Pest Control: Flowering herbs and certain flowers attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps, which help control garden pests naturally by preying on aphids, caterpillars, and other harmful insects.
For instance, dill and fennel flowers attract parasitic wasps, while marigolds are known to repel nematodes and other harmful insects. 
Incorporating plants like lavender, yarrow, and sunflowers can turn your garden into a haven for beneficial insects, creating a balanced ecosystem that reduces the need for chemical pesticides and promotes healthy plant growth.  It's so fun to watch the diversity in your garden ecosystem!

3. Color and Beauty: Flowers add vibrant colors and visual interest to your garden, creating a more inviting and enjoyable space. The diverse shapes, sizes, and hues of flowers can transform a plain garden into a picturesque landscape.  Planting a variety of annuals and perennials, early bloomers and late bloomers ensures that your garden will have a continuous display of color for the whole growing season. 
4. Fragrance: Many flowers and flowering herbs, such as lavender, rosemary, and jasmine, emit delightful scents that enhance the sensory experience in your garden, making it a pleasant place to relax and unwind.  The beauty and aroma pull me into the garden throughout the day.  They just make me feel good!

5. Culinary Flowers: Flowers like nasturtiums, pansies, borage, and marigolds can be used to garnish salads, desserts, and beverages, adding a burst of color and unique flavors. Adding the beautiful colors and flavors of flowers to your meals enhances the whole experience and gives you amazing health benefits as well!

6. Flavorful Herbs: Flowering herbs such as basil, thyme, and chives not only add beauty but also provide fresh, aromatic leaves and flowers that can be used in cooking to enhance the flavor of your dishes. These are my favorites and I use them almost daily.  There is so much you can do to enliven your food and adding fresh herbs is the best!

7. Herbal Remedies: Many flowering herbs have medicinal properties. For example, calendula flowers can be used in soothing salves, chamomile flowers can be brewed into calming teas, and echinacea flowers are known for their immune-boosting properties. I love fresh healing teas and I dry the herbs for later use as well.  I love making all sorts of DIY remedies - tinctures, salves, lotions, sprays, etc. 

8. Aromatherapy: The essential oils and fragrances from flowering herbs like lavender and lemon balm can be used for aromatherapy, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality.   I love walking through my garden, brushing the aromatic plants and breathing in their beautiful aromas.  Bringing these in the house, putting them in a vase, steeping them in tea, or boiling them for the aroma that is released into the air are great ways to utilize them.

9. Nitrogen Fixation: Certain flowering plants, such as clover and lupines, are capable of fixing nitrogen in the soil, enriching it and promoting healthier growth for surrounding plants. Plant rotation is key, and cover crops can also be used to improve soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

10. Biodiversity: Adding a variety of flowers and herbs to your garden increases biodiversity, which enhances the resilience of your garden ecosystem, making it more robust and less susceptible to pests and diseases.  You can create a balanced and healthy environment in your own garden which reduces pest and disease issues, and encourages strong plants.

11. Learning Opportunities: Growing flowers and flowering herbs provides a hands-on way to learn about plant biology, pollination, and the importance of ecosystems. It’s a great way to introduce children and adults alike to the wonders of nature. Every year is a new experiment that builds upon the last.  I love trying new techniques and growing new plants.

12. Therapeutic Gardening: The act of planting, tending, and enjoying flowers can have significant mental health benefits. Gardening is known to reduce stress, improve mood, and provide a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.  When I am in my garden, I am totally relaxed and the repetitive actions of weeding and caring for my plants does so much for my mental health. 

Examples of Flowers and Flowering Herbs to Consider:

- Marigolds: Bright, pest-repellent, and edible.
- Lavender: Beautiful, fragrant, and great for relaxation.
- Basil: Versatile in the kitchen with attractive flowers for pollinators.
- Echinacea (Coneflower): Stunning, medicinal, and attracts pollinators.
- Thyme: Compact, aromatic, and perfect for culinary use.
- Sunflowers: Tall, cheerful, and excellent for attracting birds and bees.

Incorporating these plants into your garden can enrich your gardening experience and provide numerous benefits to your garden's health and beauty.

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Building Great Oral Health Habits in Children: A Comprehensive Guide

Building Great Oral Health Habits in Children: A Comprehensive Guide
Instilling good oral health habits in children is crucial for their overall well-being and lifelong dental health. With the right guidance, you can make these habits enjoyable and rewarding. This blog explores practical tips for promoting excellent oral hygiene in children, including the use of Young Living’s KidScents and Thieves products, and offers strategies for creating a positive and engaging oral care routine.

Why Oral Health Matters

Good oral health is essential not just for a beautiful smile but also for preventing tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues that can affect overall health. Establishing effective oral hygiene practices early on helps children maintain healthy teeth and gums and fosters lifelong habits.

Daily Oral Care Routine

A consistent oral care routine is the cornerstone of good dental health. Here’s how to build a comprehensive and enjoyable routine for your child:

1. Brushing Twice a Day
   - Tools: Use a child-friendly toothbrush with soft bristles. This toothpaste is an excellent choice, formulated with safe, natural ingredients like essential oils. It has a mild taste and is free from harsh chemicals (like fluoride), making it ideal for kids. (Here's another that my older kids like.  Here our some of our favorite toothbrushes:  Bamboo regular, Bamboo with charcoal, Bamboo small,  Bamboo for baby.
   - Technique: Teach your child to brush for at least two minutes, covering all surfaces of the teeth and gums. Use a gentle, circular motion to protect their enamel and gums.

2. Flossing Daily
   - Importance: Flossing removes plaque and food particles between teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach.
   - How to Teach: Show your child how to use floss or floss picks gently. My favorite dental floss is infused with essential oils, adding a refreshing flavor while helping to reduce bacteria and plaque buildup.

3. Using Mouthwash
   - Rinsing: Introduce this mouthwash for a refreshing, natural option. Its blend of essential oils helps cleanse the mouth and freshen breath without the harsh chemicals found in many commercial mouthwashes. I dilute it 50/50 for children between 2-6 yrs.
   - How to Use: Teach your child to swish the mouthwash for about 30 seconds and spit it out. This can be done after brushing and flossing for a thorough clean.

4. Oil Pulling
   - Enhancement: For older children (typically over 5), introduce oil pulling with a mild oil like coconut oil. If the child can handle it, add a drop of Young Living’s Thieves® essential oil blend to boost its beneficial properties.
   - Duration: Start with a minute or two and gradually increase the time as they get used to the process.  (Spit into the trash.)
   - Brush immediately after. See a full explanation here.

5. Rinsing with Water
   - Benefits: Encourage your child to rinse their mouth with water after meals and snacks to help wash away food particles and reduce the risk of cavities.

Healthy Nutrition for Oral Health

Diet plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. Here’s how to support your child’s dental health through nutrition:

1. Balanced Diet
   - Focus: Ensure your child’s diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Your child needs s variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain strong teeth.
   - Avoid: Limit acidic and sugary foods and drinks, which can erode enamel and lead to cavities.

2. Limiting Sugar
   - Impact: Sugar is a leading cause of tooth decay. Minimize sugary snacks and beverages in your child’s diet.
   - Alternatives: Offer healthier snack options like fruits, vegetables, and nuts, which are less likely to cause cavities.

Hydration and Oral Health

Encourage Water Intake
   - Benefits: Drinking water throughout the day helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, maintaining a cleaner mouth and reducing the risk of cavities.
   - Tip: Make water the go-to beverage for your child. Avoid sugary or acidic drinks like sodas and fruit juices. Yes, I said it again!  

Regular Dental Visits

Routine Check-Ups
   - Frequency: Schedule regular dental visits every six months to ensure your child’s teeth and gums are healthy.
   - Positive Experience: Choose a pediatric dentist who creates a welcoming and comfortable environment. Explain to your child why these visits are important and make them feel special afterward, perhaps with a small reward.

Making Oral Care Fun

Positive Reinforcement
   - Encouragement: Praise your child for their efforts in maintaining good oral hygiene. Use a reward system, such as a sticker chart, to motivate them. Your reinforcement means more to them than anything else.

Leading by Example

Modeling Behavior
   - Brush and Floss Together: Children learn by watching their parents. Brush and floss your teeth alongside your child to demonstrate proper technique and emphasize the importance of oral hygiene.
   - Discuss Health: Talk about why oral care is essential and share any personal stories that highlight the benefits of good habits or the consequences of neglecting them.

Incorporating The Best Products 

   - Why It’s Great: This toothpaste is formulated specifically for children, using natural ingredients like essential oils. It’s fluoride-free, making it safe for kids to use without worry.
   - Benefits: Its gentle formula cleans teeth effectively without the harsh chemicals found in many conventional toothpastes. The mild flavor makes brushing more pleasant for kids.

   - Added Benefits: For older children and teens, consider Young Living’s Thieves Whitening Toothpaste. It combines the cleansing power of Thieves essential oil blend with gentle whitening agents, promoting a brighter smile and enhanced oral health.
   - Use: This toothpaste is suitable for children who can handle the stronger taste and are looking for gentle whitening benefits without harsh chemicals.

   - Refreshing and Cleansing: This mouthwash uses the power of Thieves essential oil blend to cleanse the mouth and freshen breath naturally.
   - Safe for Kids: Formulated with natural ingredients, it’s a safe and effective option for older children who can swish and spit out the mouthwash without swallowing.

   - Enhanced Cleaning: Infused with Thieves essential oil blend and peppermint, this dental floss provides a refreshing taste and helps to effectively remove plaque and food particles.
   - Use: It’s an excellent tool for teaching kids the importance of flossing and making the process enjoyable with its pleasant flavor.

   -Bamboo toothbrushes offer a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic toothbrushes. Made from natural, biodegradable bamboo, they significantly reduce plastic waste, which is a major environmental concern. Bamboo is a fast-growing, renewable resource that doesn’t require pesticides or fertilizers, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Additionally, bamboo toothbrushes often have soft bristles that are gentle on gums and teeth, making them suitable for both children and adults. By choosing bamboo toothbrushes, you're making a small yet impactful decision to protect our planet while maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

By integrating these practices and products into your child’s daily routine, you can help them develop strong, healthy teeth and a lifetime of great oral habits. Remember, the key is to make oral care a positive, engaging, and regular part of their day. With the right approach, your child can look forward to a future of bright, healthy smiles!


- "KidScents® Toothpaste - Natural Fluoride-Free Toothpaste," Young Living, (
- "Thieves® Essential Oil Blend," Young Living, (
- "Thieves® Whitening Toothpaste," Young Living, (
- "Thieves® Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash," Young Living, (
- "Healthy Habits for Healthy Kids," American Dental Association, (

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Any purchase made is a blessing to my family at no extra cost to you!  
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Oil Pulling for Kids: A Guide to Better Oral Health

Oil Pulling for Kids: A Guide to Better Oral Health
Introducing children to good oral hygiene practices early on sets the foundation for lifelong healthy habits. One such practice is oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic technique that can be adapted for children to support their oral health. This blog will guide you on how to safely and effectively incorporate oil pulling into your child's routine and highlight its potential benefits.

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in the mouth for 10-20 minutes to cleanse and detoxify the oral cavity. For children, the practice can be modified to suit their comfort and safety needs. Typically, coconut oil, which has a mild taste and antimicrobial properties, is preferred for its ease of use with kids.

Why Consider Oil Pulling for Children?

Oil pulling can provide several benefits for children's oral health:

1. Reduces Plaque and Bacteria: Regular oil pulling can help remove bacteria and reduce plaque build-up, promoting healthier gums and teeth.
2. Prevents Cavities: The antibacterial properties of oils like coconut oil can help prevent cavities by reducing the oral bacteria that contribute to tooth decay.
3. Freshens Breath: Oil pulling can effectively combat bad breath by removing odor-causing bacteria from the mouth.
4. Soothes Inflamed Gums: It can help reduce inflammation and soothe tender gums, which is particularly beneficial for children with gingivitis or those who have lost their baby teeth.

How to Introduce Oil Pulling to Your Child

1. Explain the Benefits: Help your child understand why oil pulling is beneficial. You can explain how it helps keep their mouth clean and their breath fresh, making it an exciting part of their daily routine.

2. Choose the Right Oil: Start with a mild, pleasant-tasting oil. Coconut oil is often the best choice because of its subtle flavor and texture. 

3. Use a Small Amount: Begin with a teaspoon of oil rather than a tablespoon. This smaller quantity is more manageable for children.

4. Swish for a Short Time: Encourage your child to swish the oil for just 2-5 minutes at first. As they get used to the practice, you can gradually increase the duration up to 10 minutes.

5. Make it Fun: Turn oil pulling into a fun activity by incorporating games or storytelling. You can make it a part of their morning routine, perhaps while watching a cartoon or reading a book.

6. Supervise the Process: Always supervise your child during oil pulling to ensure they don't swallow the oil and to help them spit it out properly.

7. Spit Safely: Teach your child to spit the oil into a trash can or a tissue rather than the sink to avoid clogging the plumbing.

8. Rinse and Brush: After spitting out the oil, have your child rinse their mouth with warm water and then brush their teeth as usual.

Safety Tips for Oil Pulling with Kids

- Age Appropriateness: Oil pulling is generally suitable for children over the age of 5 who can understand and follow instructions on not swallowing the oil.
- Monitor for Sensitivities: Watch for any signs of irritation or sensitivity, especially if using oils with strong flavors or essential oils.
- Keep it Simple: Stick to simple, single oils like coconut or sesame oil. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is oil pulling safe for children with braces?
A: Yes, oil pulling is safe for children with braces. It can help keep the mouth clean and reduce bacteria that can build up around the braces.

Q: How often should my child oil pull?
A: Start with 2-3 times a week and see how your child adapts. If they enjoy it and it becomes part of their routine, daily oil pulling can be beneficial.

Q: Can my child swallow the oil?
A: It's important to teach your child not to swallow the oil. If they accidentally swallow a small amount, it’s generally not harmful but try to minimize this.

Q: What if my child doesn’t like the taste of the oil?
A: Experiment with different oils to find one that your child prefers. Coconut oil is usually a favorite among kids for its mild, slightly sweet taste.

Q: Can oil pulling replace brushing and flossing?
A: No, oil pulling should complement regular brushing and flossing, not replace it. It is an additional step to enhance oral hygiene.

For more advanced oil pulling options, go here.


Encouraging Healthy Oral Habits in Children

Incorporating oil pulling into your child's oral care routine can provide significant benefits and set the stage for a lifetime of healthy habits. Make it a fun, positive experience, and soon, taking care of their teeth could become one of their favorite parts of the day! Building a strong foundation of oral hygiene habits is crucial for your child's health. Here are a few more tips on how you can encourage good practices:

1. Set a Routine: Establish a consistent daily oral care routine. Encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day and floss regularly. Make these activities a non-negotiable part of their day, like bedtime or mealtime.

2. Lead by Example: Children often mimic their parents. Brush and floss your teeth alongside your child to show them the importance of oral care.

3. Use Fun Tools: Invest in colorful, kid-friendly toothbrushes and nontoxic, but fun toothpaste to make brushing more enjoyable. Electric toothbrushes with timers can also add excitement and ensure they brush for the recommended two minutes.

5. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child for good brushing and flossing habits. Use a reward chart where they can earn stickers or small rewards for consistent oral care.

6. Make Dental Visits Fun: Choose a pediatric dentist who makes dental visits a positive experience. Explain to your child why these visits are important and celebrate after each visit.

7. Healthy Diet Choices: Encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting sugary snacks and drinks. A balanced diet supports good oral health.

8. Educate on the Importance of Oral Health: Teach your child about the consequences of poor oral hygiene, such as cavities and gum disease, in an age-appropriate way. Understanding the "why" can motivate them to take care of their teeth.

9. Encourage Regular Water Intake: Drinking water helps wash away food particles and keeps the mouth hydrated, which is vital for maintaining good oral health.

10. Limit Sugary Snacks and Drinks: Reducing sugar intake can prevent tooth decay. Encourage healthier alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and nuts,.

For more on creating healthy oral habits, go here.

- "Oil Pulling for Kids: What Parents Need to Know," Verywell Family, (
- "Oil Pulling for Children: Benefits and Safety," Natural Living Family, (
- "Encouraging Good Oral Hygiene in Children," American Dental Association, (

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A Beginner's Guide to Oil Pulling: How to Get Started

A Beginner's Guide to Oil Pulling: How to Get Started
Oil pulling is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in modern wellness routines for its potential benefits in oral health and overall detoxification. If you're new to this practice, this guide will help you understand the basics of oil pulling and how to incorporate it into your daily routine effectively.  Looking for tips for oil pulling for kids?  Find them here.

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth for a specified period. This practice is believed to help "pull" toxins from the body, improve oral hygiene, and provide various health benefits. Typically, coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil is used for this purpose.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

1. Oral Health: Oil pulling can help reduce plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. The oil acts as a cleanser, pulling out bacteria and other toxins from the mouth.
2. Whiter Teeth: Many people report that their teeth become whiter after regular oil pulling.
3. Detoxification: Some proponents believe that oil pulling helps to detoxify the body by removing harmful substances from the mouth.
4. Improved Gum Health: The practice can help reduce inflammation and promote healthier gums.

Choosing the Right Oil

The most commonly used oils for oil pulling are:

- Coconut Oil: Favored for its pleasant taste and additional antibacterial properties due to lauric acid. This is my favorite option. You can use unrefined or fractionated, depending on your preference.  Unrefined has a stronger flavor.  
- Sesame Oil: Traditionally used in Ayurvedic practices, it is rich in antioxidants and has a neutral flavor.
- Sunflower Oil: Another option with a mild taste and good cleansing properties.
- Mustard Oil: This option is vitamin and mineral rich, and also contains Omega 3s. 

Choose an organic, cold-pressed oil to ensure the highest quality and avoid any harmful additives.

Enhancing Oil Pulling with Essential Oils

Incorporating essential oils into your oil pulling routine can amplify its benefits. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts known for their beneficial properties.

Essential Oils to Add to Your Oil Pulling Routine

   - Composition: This powerful blend typically includes cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary oils.
   - Benefits: Thieves blend is known for its potent healthful properties. It can help in support immunity, reducing inflammation, and freshening breath. The warming sensation of cinnamon and clove combined with the refreshing citrus notes of lemon creates a robust, invigorating experience.  (This is a "hot" oil, be sure to use extra coconut oil if it gets on your skin)

   - Benefits: Peppermint oil is renowned for its cooling, refreshing sensation. It has natural properties that can help support the mouth, reduce bad breath, and promote a fresh feeling. The menthol in peppermint oil also provides a pleasant tingle and can soothe oral discomfort.

   - Benefits: Frankincense oil is revered for its calming and balancing qualities. It has specific properties that support gum health and reduce oral infections. Its subtle, earthy aroma can also add a grounding, soothing aspect to your oil pulling routin

How to Oil Pull: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Start with a Clean Mouth: Perform oil pulling on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything.

2. Measure Your Oil: Take about 1 tablespoon of your chosen oil. Beginners might find it easier to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase.

3. Choose Your Essential Oil (Optional: Select an essential oil that complements your needs and preferences. Ensure it is safe for oral use.

4. Mix with Oil: Add 1-2 drops of your chosen essential oil to your tablespoon of carrier oil (like coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil). Avoid using more than a few drops as essential oils are highly concentrated.

5. Swish the Oil: Place the oil in your mouth and begin to swish it around. Move the oil slowly and methodically, pulling it through your teeth and around your gums. Avoid swallowing the oil.

6. Duration: Aim to swish the oil for 15-20 minutes. If this feels too long initially, start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

7. Spit Out the Oil: After swishing, spit the oil into a trash can, not the sink, as it can solidify and clog your pipes.

8. Rinse Your Mouth: Rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any remaining oil and toxins. Some people like to rinse with salt water for added antibacterial benefits.

9. Brush Your Teeth: Finish your routine by brushing your teeth as usual to ensure all oil and toxins are removed from your mouth.

Tips for Beginners

- Consistency is Key: Try to oil pull daily to reap the full benefits.
- Stay Relaxed: Swish gently to avoid jaw fatigue.
- Be Patient: It may take a few weeks to notice significant changes in your oral health.


- Oil pulling should not replace regular oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing.
- People with allergies to specific oils should choose an alternative or consult their healthcare provider.
- Always spit out the oil after pulling; do not swallow it as it contains bacteria and toxins.
- Test for Sensitivity: Perform a patch test to ensure you don’t have any allergic reactions or sensitivities to the essential oil.
- Quality Matters: Use high-quality, authentic essential oils from a reputable source.
- Start Slow: Begin with a small amount of essential oil and observe how your body reacts. You can gradually increase the quantity if needed.
- Consult a Professional: If you have any health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about essential oils before incorporating them into your routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use oil pulling if I have dental work or braces?
A: Yes, oil pulling can be safe and beneficial even if you have dental work or braces. However, consult your dentist if you have any concerns.

Q: How soon can I eat or drink after oil pulling?
A: It’s best to wait about 30 minutes after oil pulling before consuming anything to allow the benefits to take full effect.

Q: Can I oil pull at night instead of in the morning?
A: While mornings are preferred, you can oil pull at any time of day. The key is to do it on an empty stomach.

Q: How often should I practice oil pulling?
A: Daily oil pulling is recommended for the best results, but even a few times a week can be beneficial.


Starting a new health practice can feel daunting, but oil pulling is a simple and effective way to enhance your oral health routine. Adding essential oils to your oil pulling practice can provide a delightful boost to your oral care routine, making it more effective and enjoyable. Whether you're seeking the robust protection of Thieves blend, the refreshing coolness of peppermint, or the soothing essence of frankincense, there's an essential oil that can enhance your daily wellness ritual. Give it a try, and you might find it to be a refreshing addition to your wellness habits!


- "Oil Pulling: Benefits & How to Do It," Healthline, (
- "Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil," WebMD, (
- "Essential Oils in Oil Pulling: How They Work," Wellness Mama, (
- "The Benefits of Adding Essential Oils to Oil Pulling," Dr. Axe, (

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