12 Reasons to Plant Flowers and Flowering Herbs in Your Garden

12 Reasons to Plant Flowers and Flowering Herbs in Your Garden
I didn't take flowers seriously when I first started growing a vegetable garden.  I only planted the foods I wanted to eat.  But over the years, I have learned that flowers are actually necessary to have in your garden!  
Planting flowers and flowering herbs in your garden offers a multitude of benefits beyond just adding beauty. Here are twelve reasons to include them in your garden:

1. Pollination Support: Flowers, especially those rich in nectar and pollen, attract essential pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. 
Flowers produce nectar and pollen, essential food sources for pollinators. By planting a diverse range of flowers that bloom at different times of the year, you can provide a continuous food supply for these important creatures. For example, early bloomers like crocuses and late-season flowers like asters ensure that pollinators have resources throughout their active seasons. These pollinators are crucial for the reproduction of many plants, including vegetables and fruits in your garden. When I figured this out, my garden production soared!

2. Pest Control: Flowering herbs and certain flowers attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps, which help control garden pests naturally by preying on aphids, caterpillars, and other harmful insects.
For instance, dill and fennel flowers attract parasitic wasps, while marigolds are known to repel nematodes and other harmful insects. 
Incorporating plants like lavender, yarrow, and sunflowers can turn your garden into a haven for beneficial insects, creating a balanced ecosystem that reduces the need for chemical pesticides and promotes healthy plant growth.  It's so fun to watch the diversity in your garden ecosystem!

3. Color and Beauty: Flowers add vibrant colors and visual interest to your garden, creating a more inviting and enjoyable space. The diverse shapes, sizes, and hues of flowers can transform a plain garden into a picturesque landscape.  Planting a variety of annuals and perennials, early bloomers and late bloomers ensures that your garden will have a continuous display of color for the whole growing season. 
4. Fragrance: Many flowers and flowering herbs, such as lavender, rosemary, and jasmine, emit delightful scents that enhance the sensory experience in your garden, making it a pleasant place to relax and unwind.  The beauty and aroma pull me into the garden throughout the day.  They just make me feel good!

5. Culinary Flowers: Flowers like nasturtiums, pansies, borage, and marigolds can be used to garnish salads, desserts, and beverages, adding a burst of color and unique flavors. Adding the beautiful colors and flavors of flowers to your meals enhances the whole experience and gives you amazing health benefits as well!

6. Flavorful Herbs: Flowering herbs such as basil, thyme, and chives not only add beauty but also provide fresh, aromatic leaves and flowers that can be used in cooking to enhance the flavor of your dishes. These are my favorites and I use them almost daily.  There is so much you can do to enliven your food and adding fresh herbs is the best!

7. Herbal Remedies: Many flowering herbs have medicinal properties. For example, calendula flowers can be used in soothing salves, chamomile flowers can be brewed into calming teas, and echinacea flowers are known for their immune-boosting properties. I love fresh healing teas and I dry the herbs for later use as well.  I love making all sorts of DIY remedies - tinctures, salves, lotions, sprays, etc. 

8. Aromatherapy: The essential oils and fragrances from flowering herbs like lavender and lemon balm can be used for aromatherapy, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality.   I love walking through my garden, brushing the aromatic plants and breathing in their beautiful aromas.  Bringing these in the house, putting them in a vase, steeping them in tea, or boiling them for the aroma that is released into the air are great ways to utilize them.

9. Nitrogen Fixation: Certain flowering plants, such as clover and lupines, are capable of fixing nitrogen in the soil, enriching it and promoting healthier growth for surrounding plants. Plant rotation is key, and cover crops can also be used to improve soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

10. Biodiversity: Adding a variety of flowers and herbs to your garden increases biodiversity, which enhances the resilience of your garden ecosystem, making it more robust and less susceptible to pests and diseases.  You can create a balanced and healthy environment in your own garden which reduces pest and disease issues, and encourages strong plants.

11. Learning Opportunities: Growing flowers and flowering herbs provides a hands-on way to learn about plant biology, pollination, and the importance of ecosystems. It’s a great way to introduce children and adults alike to the wonders of nature. Every year is a new experiment that builds upon the last.  I love trying new techniques and growing new plants.

12. Therapeutic Gardening: The act of planting, tending, and enjoying flowers can have significant mental health benefits. Gardening is known to reduce stress, improve mood, and provide a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.  When I am in my garden, I am totally relaxed and the repetitive actions of weeding and caring for my plants does so much for my mental health. 

Examples of Flowers and Flowering Herbs to Consider:

- Marigolds: Bright, pest-repellent, and edible.
- Lavender: Beautiful, fragrant, and great for relaxation.
- Basil: Versatile in the kitchen with attractive flowers for pollinators.
- Echinacea (Coneflower): Stunning, medicinal, and attracts pollinators.
- Thyme: Compact, aromatic, and perfect for culinary use.
- Sunflowers: Tall, cheerful, and excellent for attracting birds and bees.

Incorporating these plants into your garden can enrich your gardening experience and provide numerous benefits to your garden's health and beauty.

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Unlocking the Secrets to Pro Feeding: Nurturing Your Little One's Healthy Eating

Unlocking the Secrets to Pro Feeding: Nurturing Your Little One's Healthy Eating
In this blog post, we explore three top tips for establishing healthy eating habits for your little one. Firstly, breastfeeding is not just about nutrients, but also creates an emotional connection between parent and baby.

When it comes to introducing solid foods, waiting until your baby has their molars is a clear sign of readiness.

Embracing whole foods is key to a holistic eating experience. 

3 Healthy and Fun Halloween Snack Ideas for Kids

Halloween is a time of excitement, costumes, and treats. For moms who prefer to offer plant-based alternatives to their kids, there are plenty of creative options that can make Halloween just as enjoyable and wholesome. Here are some fantastic recipes for healthy and fun plant-based Halloween snacks that your kids will love.

Spooky Banana Ghosts
  • Bananas
  • dark chocolate chips
  • raisins

  1. Peel the bananas and cut them in half.
  2. Using chocolate chips, press two into each banana to create eyes.
  3. Take one chocolate chip or raisin and place it below the eyes to form a mouth, resembling a ghost's face.
  4. Arrange the spooky banana ghosts on a platter and let your kids enjoy these charming and healthy treats.
Frankenstein Avocado Toast
  • Whole wheat bread slices, toasted
  • Ripe avocados
  • Lime juice
  • Salt
  • Black sesame seeds or sliced black olives
  • Cherry tomatoes, halved

  1. Mash the ripe avocados in a bowl and add a squeeze of lime juice and a pinch of salt for flavor.
  2. Spread the avocado mixture onto the toasted bread slices.
  3. Use black sesame seeds or sliced black olives to create Frankenstein's eyes and mouth on the avocado toast.
  4. Place a halved cherry tomato on top to resemble Frankenstein's hair.
  5. Serve the Frankenstein avocado toast as a spooky and nutritious Halloween snacks.
Jack-o'-Lantern Veggie Sticks

  • Assorted vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and celery
  • Hummus or your favorite plant-based dip

  1. Cut the vegetables into stick shapes, ensuring they are long enough to be easily held by little hands.
  2. Arrange the vegetable sticks on a platter to resemble a pumpkin's face, creating eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
  3. Fill a small bowl with plant-based hummus or dip and place it in the center of the platter.
  4. Let your kids enjoy the crunchy and vibrant Jack-o'-Lantern veggie sticks with their favorite dip.
Monster Apple Teeth:

  • Green apples
  • Natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • Slivered almonds

  1. Slice the green apples into thin wedges, removing the core and seeds.
  2. Spread a layer of natural peanut butter or almond butter on one side of each apple slice.
  3. Place slivered almonds onto the peanut butter or almond butter, creating the appearance of "monster teeth."
  4. Assemble the monster apple teeth on a plate and watch your kids delight in these playful and healthy Halloween snacks.

With these plant-based alternatives, you can make Halloween both delicious and nutritious for your little ones. Whether it's spooky banana ghosts, Frankenstein avocado toast, Jack-o'-Lantern veggie sticks, or monster apple teeth, these recipes will provide your kids with fun and satisfying treats while promoting a plant-based lifestyle. By offering these healthy options, you can ensure that Halloween remains a festive and enjoyable experience for the whole family. Happy Halloween!

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10 Life-Changing Books That Transformed My Health and Well-being

10 Life-Changing Books That Transformed My Health and Well-being
As a mom on a journey to transform my health and life, I have come across numerous books that have profoundly impacted my well-being. These ten books encompass a diverse range of topics, including natural healing, healthy living, childbirth, and personal growth. Each book has played a significant role in shaping my perspective and empowering me to make positive changes. Join me as I share the top 10 books that have changed my life for the better.
  1. Hypnobirthing: the Mongan Method by Marie Mongan:  Marie Mongan's Hypnobirthing method is an invaluable resource for expectant mothers seeking a calm and empowering birth experience. This book taught me more than just techniques to manage pain and anxiety during labor, leading to a more positive birthing journey. It taught me to give birth without fear, and I went on to have pain-free birth!
  2. Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD:  Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live is a groundbreaking book that emphasizes the importance of a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet. Through this book, I learned about the power of food as medicine, and how to nourish my body with wholesome, life-giving foods. The impact on my health has been huge, helping me overcome poor immune system function.
  3. Desk Reference for Essential Oils by Life Science Publishers:  This comprehensive guide to essential oils has become my go-to resource for natural remedies and holistic well-being. It provides detailed information on various essential oils, their benefits, and practical applications, helping me harness the therapeutic properties of nature.  It has been invaluable in helping me get through acute situations as well as solving long-term health issues.
  4. Lucy Libido by Lucy Libido:  Lucy Libido's book offers a refreshing and empowering perspective on enhancing intimacy and sexual wellness. This book helped me embrace my femininity and prioritize self-care, leading to a more fulfilling and intimate relationship.  For all you moms out there, this book rocks!
  5. Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk:  Dissolving Illusions challenges conventional wisdom surrounding vaccines and infectious diseases. It provides a well-researched exploration of historical data, allowing me to make informed decisions about my family's health.
  6. Atomic Habits by James Clear:  In Atomic Habits, James Clear shares practical strategies for building and breaking habits effectively. This book helped me develop a growth mindset and implement small but significant changes in my daily routine, resulting in long-lasting positive transformations.
  7. The 21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible by John Maxwell:  John Maxwell's book draws wisdom from biblical principles to inspire and guide leaders. It taught me invaluable lessons about integrity, influence, and character development, encouraging me to lead with purpose and authenticity.
  8. Prescription for Natural Healing by James Balch and Phyllis Balch:  Prescription for Natural Healing is an essential guide for natural remedies and alternative therapies. It offers comprehensive information on various health conditions and holistic approaches to healing, empowering me to take charge of my well-being.
  9. Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin:  Ina May Gaskin's guide is a must-read for new mothers embarking on the breastfeeding journey. With practical advice, inspiring stories, and evidence-based information, I wish I had found this before my first child; it would have helped me immensely!  This book can help you overcome challenges and establish a nurturing bond with your baby.
  10. Ningxia Wolfberry: The Ultimate Superfood by Gary Young, Ronald Lawrence, and Mark Schreuder:  This book explores the incredible health benefits of Ningxia Wolfberries, a potent superfood. It delves into these berries' nutritional properties, antioxidants, and wellness-promoting qualities, inspiring me to incorporate them into my diet for enhanced vitality. This berry has changed my life!
These ten books have been instrumental in my personal transformation, guiding me towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. From childbirth to natural healing, personal growth to healthy living, each book has contributed to my overall well-being. I encourage you to explore these transformative works and discover the positive impact they can have on your own health journey.

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The Public School Lunch Program: An Unhealthy Contributor to the Obesity & Chronic Disease Epidemic

The Public School Lunch Program: An Unhealthy Contributor to the Obesity & Chronic Disease Epidemic
 The unhealthy nature of the school lunch program plays a significant role in the rising rates of childhood obesity. A study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that students who regularly consumed school lunches had a higher likelihood of being overweight or obese compared to those who brought their own lunches from home. This correlation highlights the urgent need for healthier options within school cafeterias.
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