4 Tips For Staying Well as We Head into Fall

4 Tips For Staying Well as We Head into Fall
The fall season is upon us, which means it's time to start thinking about how to stay well. Being well is not something that just the lucky people experience.  There are reasons why certain people stay well and others do not.  There are some proven things you can do to stay on top of your health, so be proactive! Here are four tips for staying well this fall season:

1. Make Good Food Choices: Eating a nutritious diet is one of the best ways to stay well during the fall months. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet to boost your immune system and keep your body healthy. Eating the rainbow is more important than ever. Be sure to eat a big salad with the elements of a perfect salad every day. Limit or eliminate dairy, as it contributes to inflammation and mucous production. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 

2. Use Supplements: Taking supplements is a great way to ensure that your body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc are great for boosting immunity, so be sure to take them daily during the fall months. Elderberry and Wolfberry supplements are also excellent to keep your immune system going strong. Prevention is always a great option!  See my favorites list below.

3. Use Essential Oils: Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to boost immunity and keep you feeling healthy during the fall months. You can add them to your diffuser, apply them topically, or take them internally* to keep yourself feeling well. Not only do they smell amazing, but they support your body in a variety of ways and help you stay on top of your health!

4. Be Proactive In Your Health: Lastly, remember to be proactive in your health this fall season. Regular exercise to keep your circulation and lymphatic system moving and hand-washing are both great ways to prevent getting sick. Keep moving, especially when the weather gets cooler.  Taking care of yourself is so important!

There's no need to dread this season! By following these four tips—making good food choices, using supplements, using essential oils, and being proactive in your health—you can actually enjoy the beautiful crisp weather while staying well at the same time. So don't wait—implement these tips into your life today and enjoy a healthy season!

My favorite fall/winter wellness list.

*Please only take essential oils internally that are labeled as a supplement.  I only use Young Living internally and with over 20 years of use - they are undeniably safe.
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Why You Need a Holistic Wellness Plan

Why You Need a Holistic Wellness Plan

See below for the map/template!

Creating a holistic wellness plan that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health is crucial. Why? Because life's too short to just focus on one dimension of well-being! Let's break it down:

Overall Well-being: When every aspect of our health is in harmony, we can truly thrive and live life to the fullest. Neglecting any dimension leads to imbalance and keeps us from reaching our potential. Let's address them all for holistic well-being!

Interconnectedness: It's like a domino effect! Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health are all connected and influence each other. Imagine working out and boosting your mood or connecting with others to strengthen your beliefs. Recognizing these connections is key to a holistic approach.

Preventive Approach: Take charge of your well-being! Instead of just treating symptoms, a holistic wellness plan is all about prevention. By taking care of yourself proactively, you can reduce the risk of illness and chronic stress. It's like giving your future self a big high-five!

Resilience and Coping: Life's full of ups and downs, isn't it? A well-rounded wellness plan equips you with tools to handle whatever comes your way. It helps you bounce back, adapt, and maintain a positive outlook when faced with challenges. You've got this!

Increased Quality of Life: Picture a life with more energy, awesome relationships, mental clarity, emotional stability, and a sense of purpose. That's what happens when you nurture every aspect of your health. It's like turning up the dial on life!

Long-Term Sustainability: Forget quick fixes, let's talk about sustainable habits! A holistic wellness plan focuses on long-term lifestyle changes. These changes will keep you balanced and healthy for the long haul. It's all about that long-term glow-up!

Personal Growth and Fulfillment: You're a superstar, and your wellness plan should reflect that! Embracing a holistic approach encourages personal growth and self-discovery. It's about exploring your values, passions, and purpose to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

By integrating physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health into your wellness plan, you're embracing a comprehensive approach that nurtures all aspects of your well-being. It's time to live life to the fullest!

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Healthy Snack Ideas: Turning Fruits and Veggies into Fun Treats

Healthy Snack Ideas: Turning Fruits and Veggies into Fun Treats
As a holistic mom, you strive to provide your children with nourishing and wholesome foods. Snack time doesn't have to be dull or unhealthy! In this blog post, we'll explore creative ways to transform fruits and veggies into fun and delicious treats that your kids will love. Get ready to add a burst of color, flavor, and nutrition to your snack repertoire!

Fruit Fun: Creative Ways to Serve Fruits as Snacks
Discover innovative and fun ways to turn fruits into delightful snacks that your kids will love. From fruit skewers to rainbow fruit salads, make snack time a colorful experience!

Unleashing the Rainbow: Create a vibrant rainbow fruit salad by combining a variety of colorful fruits. Let your kids help assemble the different fruit layers, adding a touch of creativity to their snacking experience.

Fruit Kebabs with a Twist: Make eating fruits exciting by threading bite-sized fruit pieces onto skewers. Encourage your little ones to create their own fruity kebabs, exploring different combinations and patterns.

Silly Fruit Faces: Transform ordinary fruits into whimsical characters by using edible markers or small fruit cutters. Engage your child's imagination while they enjoy a playful and nutritious snack.

Veggie Crunch: Turning Veggies into Tasty Nibbles
Learn how to transform veggies like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers into crunchy, nutritious snacks. Explore dips, dressings, and seasoning ideas to make these treats irresistible.

Dippity-Doo Veggies: Pair crunchy veggies like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and bell pepper strips with homemade dips such as hummus, guacamole, or yogurt-based (use plain greek or coconut yogurt) dressings. The combination of textures and flavors will keep your little ones coming back for more.

Seasoned to Perfection: Add a burst of flavor to your veggie snacks by experimenting with different seasonings and spices. Try sprinkling some nutritional yeast, garlic powder, or even a hint of cinnamon on roasted veggie chips for a delightful twist.

Smoothie Bowl Magic: Healthy and Fun Fruit & Veggie Treats
Dive into the world of smoothie bowls! Learn how to combine fruits, veggies, and toppings to create visually appealing, nutrient-dense treats that your kids will enjoy eating.

Blend and Beautify: Whip up delicious smoothie bowls by blending a variety of fruits, leafy greens, and healthy fats like avocado or nut butter. Top them off with a sprinkle of granola, chia seeds, or fresh fruit for added texture and visual appeal.

Sweet Green Surprise: Introduce your kids to the wonders of green smoothie bowls by adding a handful of spinach or kale to their favorite fruit blend. They'll be delighted by the vibrant color and won't even notice the hidden veggies!

Frozen Delights: Healthy Ice Pops from Fresh Fruits and Veggies
Beat the heat with homemade ice pops! Find out how to use fresh fruits and veggies to create refreshing, healthy frozen treats that are perfect for hot summer days.

Fruit Pop Extravaganza: Blend together your kids' favorite fruits with a splash of coconut water, then pour the mixture into popsicle molds. In just a few hours, you'll have nutritious and refreshing fruit popsicles that beat store-bought options.

Veggie Cool-Down: Experiment with veggie-infused popsicles by incorporating ingredients like cucumber, beetroot, or even sweet potato. The natural sweetness of fruits balances out the flavors, creating a unique and nutritious frozen treat.

Veggie Chips: A Healthy Twist on a Favorite Snack
Discover how to make homemade veggie chips, a healthier alternative to store-bought snacks. Learn about the best vegetables to use and how to season them for maximum flavor.

Baked Goodness: Swap out greasy potato chips with homemade baked veggie chips. Slice vegetables like zucchini, sweet potatoes, or kale into thin pieces, toss them in olive oil, and bake until crispy. These guilt-free chips are packed with nutrients and flavor.

Flavor Explosion: Elevate the taste of your veggie chips by experimenting with different seasonings. Sprinkle them with a combination of sea salt, paprika, or garlic powder, for a savory twist that will keep your kids reaching for more.

Fruity Desserts: Turning Fresh Fruits into Sweet Treats
Satisfy your kids' sweet tooth with desserts made from fresh fruits. Learn how to make fruit parfaits, baked fruit treats, and more that are both delicious and nutritious.

Parfait Paradise: Layer fresh fruits, Greek or coconut yogurt, and granola in a glass to create a tempting fruit parfait. Let your kids customize their parfaits with their favorite fruits and toppings for a delightful and healthy dessert.

Baked Fruit Delights: Experiment with baked fruit treats like apple or pear crisps. Slice the fruits, toss them with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a touch of honey, then bake until they become golden and crispy. Serve them warm with a dollop of Greek or coconut yogurt for a comforting and guilt-free dessert.

Snack time can be both nutritious and exciting by using fruits and veggies as the main ingredients. With these creative ideas, you can transform ordinary produce into fun and delicious treats that your kids will love. So, go ahead and unleash your creativity in the kitchen, and enjoy guilt-free snacking with your little ones!

Have picky eaters?  Grab this guide: 7 Strategies to Help Picky Eaters Eat!

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Jumpstart Day 8

A Breastfeeding Mom's Perspective

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Jumpstart Day 6

A gym owner's perspective. 

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