Are you a mom feeling like she's not getting the health care she needs? Do you feel lost in how to get what’s best for your body and health today, as well as into the future? Self-advocating in healthcare can seem daunting but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post we explore actionable steps you can take to better understand, communicate and work with traditional medical practitioners--leading to healthier outcomes for you and your family!
1. Know Your Rights
One of the most important things you can do when it comes to self-advocating in healthcare is to know your rights. Every patient has the right to receive quality healthcare, and you should never feel like you are being treated unfairly or receiving sub-par care. If you feel like your rights are not being respected, don't hesitate to speak up. This is especially important when you prefer alternative treatments. The mainstream way of doing things many times is at odds with natural ways of doing things. You deserve respect even if and especially if you disagree with what you have been told is the "best" treatment.
2. Be an Active Participant in Your Care
Another important thing to remember when self-advocating in healthcare is that you need to be an active participant in your own care. This means asking questions, doing research, and making sure that you understand ALL of the options available to you. Not just the options given in a doctor's office. It's also important to communicate openly with your healthcare team and to make sure that they are aware of your preferences and needs. You must be open with your communication so your preferences are known.
3. Advocate for Yourself and Others
When it comes to self-advocating in healthcare, it's not just about advocating for yourself—it's also about advocating for others. This includes speaking up if you witness someone else being treated unfairly or receiving sub-par care. It's also important to educate yourself and others about patients' rights so that everyone can be better informed and prepared to advocate for themselves in healthcare settings. As a mom, advocating for your children is top priority as they cannot advocate for themselves yet. As they get older, talk with them and help them practice advocating for themselves so they will be confident once they reach the age when they will need to do it for themselves.
4. Be Persistent
If at first you don't succeed in getting the healthcare you deserve, don't give up—be persistent. Remember that you have a right to quality care, and you should never settle for anything less. This can be a little time consuming, and involve a lot of phone calls and emails, but your persistence will pay off. Many times, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." Don't give up!
5. Know When to Seek Help
There are times when self-advocating in healthcare can be overwhelming, and it's important to know when to seek help from a professional. If you are dealing with a complex health issue or if you feel like you're not getting anywhere on your own, reach out to a patient advocate or other professional who can help you navigate the system and get the care you need.
By self-advocating in healthcare - you're being smart and proactive. The reality is that most medical professionals are incredibly busy and have set preferences, and it's important to be your own advocate when it comes to your health. By asking questions, getting second opinions, and doing your own research, you can make sure that you're getting the best possible care. So don't be afraid to speak up for yourself - your health is worth it! What do you do to advocate for yourself with medical professionals? Share your tips in the comments below!
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As a holistic, natural mom, I am always looking for the best ways to stay healthy. One of those ways is to do allergy and food sensitivity tests to determine what foods my body can handle. Recently, I found the Check My Body Health Food Sensitivities Test and was pleasantly surprised with the results. This review will break down why I found this test to be incredibly helpful in determining my food sensitivities.
The Check My Body Health Food Sensitivities Test analyzes you for up to 970 different food sensitivities. It’s simple and easy - all you have to do is take a small sample of your hair and send it in for analysis. No bloodwork necessary! One thing to note is that nothing is sent to you in the mail. Your emailed receipt contains instructions on how to collect your sample and package it, a code that is specific to you, and a submission form that needs to be filled out. I missed that the first time I ordered and didn't discover it until weeks later.
Once you send in your sample, the test results come back within 2 weeks by email. After receiving my results, I was able to determine which foods my body could tolerate and which ones I should avoid due to possible sensitivity reactions such as bloating, fatigue, digestive discomfort, headache, or joint pain. And it was accurate! I have several foods that I know I react to, but which never came up when testing for allergies. These foods were all marked as highly sensitive for me!
This test worked well to give me an accurate assessment of how my body responds to certain types of food. It also provided me with personalized information about which foods are best for my individual needs based on my specific results. This was incredibly helpful in creating a diet that works for me without having to take any unnecessary risks when it comes to eating certain foods. While I had already eliminated most of the foods I knew I reacted to, there were a few that were a surprise to me. So I am removing those as well.
I was also happy with the customer service aspect of the company. They were very responsive and answered all of my questions quickly and effectively, which made the process even easier and more enjoyable than expected!
Overall, I would highly recommend the Check My Body Health Food Sensitivities Test if you are looking for an easy way to determine what foods your body can tolerate while avoiding any potential risks associated with eating certain foods that may cause adverse reactions in your body. With its simple process and personalized results, you can create a diet plan tailored specifically towards your individual needs! Plus, their customer service team is top-notch!
Stay tuned for my kid's results! I just ordered more tests for them!
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With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to stay positive when faced with a difficult situation. Many moms feel like they are thrown from one dumpster fire to another as they try to juggle all their responsibilities. Though it may seem like an impossible task, there are ways that moms can take a holistic approach to dealing with difficult situations. Let’s explore how you can approach these moments in a way that helps you get through them successfully.
Developing the Right Attitude
Having the right attitude is key in any difficult situation. It’s easy to allow your emotions to take over and feel overwhelmed by a certain problem or issue. But if you can focus on staying calm, then you will be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way. There are several ways that natural moms can develop the right attitude when faced with something challenging. First, remember to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Instead of letting emotions control your decisions and reactions, choose to think logically and objectively about what is happening in front of you. Additionally, try to keep an open mind and practice patience—these two elements will help immensely when facing tough times. And using tools like prayer, deep breathing, and essential oils like Lavender, Stress Away, or Peace & Calming when things are crazy really helps diffuse stressful situations.
Problem Solving
Problem solving is also essential for getting through difficult situations. Having a plan or strategy (ahead of time) for tackling the problem head-on is crucial for finding a resolution quickly and efficiently. When problem-solving as a natural mom, it’s important to consider both short-term solutions that provide immediate relief as well as long-term strategies that enable you to prevent similar issues from occurring down the line. And consider the effects of each item you try. Read* and research to find answers, and seek help when needed—there are so many resources available online or in person that can offer valuable insight into how best to handle challenging moments in life. Holistic Super Moms Face Book Group is an excellent place to problem solve with other moms.
Learning Opportunity
Finally, instead of viewing difficult situations as only negative experiences, try looking at them as learning opportunities as well! Ask yourself "What can I learn from this? What can I do differently in the future? What can I express gratitude for in this situation?" Journaling is a great way to get these thoughts out on paper. Every challenging moment has something valuable hidden within it—all you have to do is look deeply enough and seek out what it has taught you about yourself or how you operate in certain scenarios. By taking this perspective, natural moms can gain invaluable knowledge while simultaneously developing their own personal power along the journey!
All in all, taking a holistic approach when dealing with difficult situations makes all the difference for natural moms who want to remain calm yet powerful during challenging times! Developing the right attitude paired with active problem solving and seeing each challenge as an opportunity for growth are essential components of success in any situation—whether big or small! So don't forget these three tips next time difficulty arises--you'll be glad you did!
*If you are looking for a good read, or have moved recently, check out Homesick: Finding Home Wherever You Are. I contributed a chapter to the book and many of the stories in it share tips on dealing with the difficulties of moving and all the nuances that come with it.
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The holidays are a time for family, friends, and loved ones. But for some, the holidays can be a time of sadness and grief. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or struggling with infertility, the holiday season can be a difficult time. I know the pain of loss during this season, and it can be extremely difficult, especially when it seems everyone around you is happy. Here are the five stages of grief during the holidays and how to cope with them.
1. Denial: This is the stage where you try to pretend that everything is normal. You may put on a brave face and act like everything is fine, even though inside you are dying. Many times, you fill your life with busy activities so you don't have to think about your loss. This is not sustainable and will only make you feel worse in the long run. It is important to allow yourself to feel your emotions and grieve in your own way. Find a safe person and place and express your feelings.
2. Anger: This is the stage where you may lash out at those around you. You may be angry at God, the world, or yourself. It is important to express your anger in a healthy way, such as through journaling, talking to a therapist or another safe person, or prayer. Don't bottle up your emotions; they will only come out in negative ways. Make sure your family knows you love them and talk about the anger you feel. Purification is an oil that helps me let go of anger. I apply it on my liver.
3. Bargaining: This is the stage where you try to make deals with God or the universe. You may find yourself praying or making promises in an attempt to change the situation. Unfortunately, this stage will not change anything; it is only an attempt to delay the inevitable. Realize there are some things you can change, and there are some things you cannot change no matter what you do.
4. Depression: This is the stage where you may feel hopeless and helpless. You may withdraw from friends and family and isolate yourself. You will not feel like doing anything at all, so support is crucial. It is crucial to reach out for help during this stage; talking to a therapist or clergy member, or joining a support group can be very beneficial. Yoga is also restorative. (I love Yoga with Adriene!). And essential oils are known for their uplifting qualities. Some of my favorites are Joy, Orange, and Peace & Calming. If you are really low and need to talk with the suicide hotline, that number is 988. They will listen, provide support, and connect you with resources in your local area if needed.
5. Acceptance: This is the final stage of grief where you accept the situation for what it is. You may still feel sad and have days where you struggle, but overall you have made peace with what has happened. This is when healing can begin. Acceptance doesn't mean you still don't have emotional pain, but you are better able to deal with it. Acceptance is an essential oil that helps me reset negative emotional thought patterns.
The holiday season can be a difficult time for those who are grieving loss or struggling with infertility. If you find yourself in one of these situations, know that you are not alone and that there are others who understand what you are going through. Allow yourself to grieve in whatever way feels right for you, and reach out for help if you need it.
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As holistic health advocates, we know how important it is to cleanse the body systems – not just the intestines and liver but all cells in the body. As moms, we understand that our bodies are constantly under attack from environmental pollutants, chemicals, processed foods and much more. But what exactly does cleansing involve? And why do we need to do it? Let's explore the answers to these questions and look at the importance of detoxification.
The What: Cleaning your body systems means removing toxins from your body and giving your vital organs a break from their daily workload. This includes focusing on cleansing your gut by removing unhealthy bacteria or parasites that cause digestive issues, as well as providing support for your liver so it can process toxins efficiently. It may also involve nourishing your cells with essential nutrients like antioxidants or omega-3 fatty acids to help them function properly.
The Why: Detoxifying is necessary because our bodies can become overwhelmed with toxins due to our environment and lifestyle choices. Toxins can come from many sources such as pollution, pesticides, drugs (both prescription and recreational), processed foods, alcohol consumption and more. These toxins build up in our organs over time and can have an impact on our overall health and wellbeing if left unchecked. Regular detoxification helps reduce this accumulation of toxins so you can feel better both physically and mentally.
The How: Different methods are available for helping cleanse your body systems depending on which system you want to focus on (intestines, liver etc). For example, some people may choose supplements like NingXia Red which contains powerful antioxidants that help protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, Comfortone which supports digestive health and wellness, Detoxyme which contains powerful enzymes that help complete digestion, detoxify the body, and promote cleansing, DiGize which contains antioxidants and supports the digestive system, ICP Daily maintains a healthy gut microbiome, aids the body's natural detoxification process, promotes healthy probiotics in the gut, and helps you feel full longer, and Parafree which has powerful cleansing abilities that support the digestion and gut health. Additional methods enhance the process, like intermittent fasting or juice cleanses which involve abstaining from certain foods while consuming only juices or smoothies for a period of time, and alternative therapies such as acupuncture or massage therapy which promote relaxation while also helping remove toxins through perspiration. Ultimately, the best way to cleanse will depend on individual needs and preferences so it’s important to find what works best for you! Find a bundle of these supplements here.
Holistic moms understand how important cleansing is for maintaining good health in today’s toxic world. By understanding both the ‘what’ (what is involved in cleaning) , ‘why’ (why detox is necessary) ,and ‘how’ (how to go about it) of cleansing our body systems we are able make informed decisions about how best to keep ourselves healthy - naturally! Whether it be supplements like NingXia Red or alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage therapy - having an arsenal of tools at hand makes us better equipped with knowledge when deciding how best to take care of ourselves holistically!
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