Silence the Racing Brain to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Silence the Racing Brain to Get a Good Night's Sleep
We've all been there. You're trying to get to sleep but your mind is running a million miles an hour. It's like your brain is running a race, and it's hard to shut it off as you are staring off into the darkness. Whether you're worrying about the day that just passed or anxiously anticipating the day ahead, it can be difficult to drift off into dreamland when your thoughts are spiraling out of control. Here are some tips on how to calm your racing brain and ensure that you get a good night's sleep.

Drink Ningxia Red During the Day
Ningxia Red is a delicious, nutrient-dense drink made with wolfberry puree, and other super fruits like blueberry, pomegranate and other natural ingredients. This drink packs a powerful punch of antioxidants and minerals that help nourish your body while calming your mind. Enjoy Ningxia Red in the morning or afternoon for added energy, and its benefits last as it also enhances your relaxation so you get better sleep.  I was surprised at the sleep benefits of this drink because I got it specifically for it’s energy boosting power.  But it packs a punch for both!

Diffuse Essential Oils
Essential oils are incredibly versatile tools for calming an overactive mind. Try diffusing essential oils such as Lavender, Peace & Calming or Stress Away for added relaxation benefits at bedtime. I have used each of these in turn.  If I just generally need relaxation, I use Lavender, if I’m feeling anxious about the next day, I use Peace & Calming, if I am super tense and stressed out, I use Stress Away. If diffusing isn't an option for you, apply the oil topically on the bottoms of your feet or behind your ears for similar effects.  You can also make a room spray with some witch hazel and a few drops of essential oil.  

Journal Your Thoughts
When our minds become overwhelmed with thoughts it can be helpful to write them out on paper instead of trying to keep them in our heads. When we take these swirling thoughts from our heads and put them down on paper they become tangible items that we can address one by one instead of leaving us feeling like we're spinning out of control mentally. Journaling is also therapeutic because it allows us to find creative solutions to our problems that we may not have thought of before writing them out on paper. This has been so helpful for me and I often use this for ideas that pop into my head at all hours of the night. Once it is written down, my brain can rest.

Finally, try praying before bedtime. Prayer offers comfort during difficult times and can help clear away mental clutter so that you can relax enough to drift off into dreamland peacefully. Even if prayer isn't part of your regular practice this could be a great time to start! Quieting the mind through prayer can be incredibly effective in helping reduce stress and anxiety so that you can get some much needed restful sleep each night without any racing brain chatter interruptions!     Plus, prayer helps us remember to stay thankful even in moments when our minds feel overwhelmed by worry or fear - which often leads us naturally into relaxation and peace! So give yourself permission tonight (or every night!) to take some time for yourself - and then let go and let God - knowing that He will provide what you need both today and tomorrow!

A racing brain makes it difficult to fall asleep at night. If you find yourself struggling to silence your thoughts, give one of these four methods a try. These are my tried and true solutions and they make bedtime so much better! Ningxia Red helps relax your body and mind, while diffusing essential oils like lavender creates a calming environment in your bedroom. You may also benefit from journaling your thoughts before bedtime and/or spending a few minutes in prayer. With consistency and patience, you can train your brain to quiet down so you can get the restful sleep you need.  It is a journey, and some days will be more difficult than others, but getting a good night’s rest is possible!  

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Recharge Your Batteries: Drink NingXia Red for Better Sleep and More Energy

 Recharge Your Batteries: Drink NingXia Red for Better Sleep and More Energy
When I was pregnant with my 7th child, I was depleted.  I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep at the dinner table every night.  A friend recommended this antioxidant drink to me, and I was desperate, so I tried it.  The very first day, I drank some in the afternoon just before my energy levels usually tanked. I went through the afternoon and surprisingly stayed awake through dinner. In fact, I was awake until 10, which was impossible before!  I never felt a rush, and I never had a crash; I just kept going.  I kept drinking it, and it had the same effect every day.  I drank a whole bottle during labor and delivery and then kept drinking it throughout my time breastfeeding. It was my lifesaver with such little sleep. I have not stopped drinking it because of its continued benefits!   


11 Steps to a Better Night's Sleep

11 Steps to a Better Night's Sleep
Are you feeling like you missed a night's sleep? Feeling lethargic, foggy-headed, and struggling to remain alert throughout the day? I understand your struggle. Poor quality of sleep has become increasingly common life problem, making it hard for many people to stay productive and energized. So if you're a mom looking for some natural ways to improve your slumber, I have some suggestions for you! Check out these 11 easy steps on how to get better sleep that won't leave any trace of fatigue or exhaustion. With these tips backed by science and real holistic solutions, prepare yourself for some uplifting shut-eye every night!

1. Follow a routine
One of the best ways to get better sleep is to follow a routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day can help to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Establishing a regular bedtime and wake time can also make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.  Your routine can include things like journaling, expressing gratitude, prayer, light stretching or yoga, an evening bath, or herbal tea, whatever you choose, try to do the same things in the same order each night.

2. Create a comfortable environment
Creating a comfortable environment in your bedroom can also help you to get better sleep. Make sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Darkness promotes melatonin production , which makes us feel sleepy. Consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light, and earplugs or white noise to reduce noise.  You can also diffuse essential oils that help your body relax and help quiet your mind.

3. Limit screen time before bed
It is also important to limit your exposure to screens before bed. The blue light emitted by screens can suppress melatonin, the hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Avoid using phones, laptops, and other electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

4. Avoid caffeine before bed
Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake and make it difficult to fall asleep. Avoid drinking caffeine in the evening and try to limit your intake earlier in the day.  It is better to get your energy from natural antioxidants than from artificial stimulants and when you use foods and juices to fuel your energy, your body is better able to relax at bedtime.

5. Exercise during the day
Exercise can help you to sleep better at night. At least a half hour of exercise is beneficial for everyone.  Take a short walk if that's all you can do.  Your body needs movement during the day and has a harder time relaxing when there hasn't been enough movement.  However, it is important to avoid exercising too close to bedtime as this can make it harder to fall asleep. aim to exercise earlier in the day and finish at least 3 hours before you plan on going to bed.

6. Avoid alcohol before bed
While alcohol may make you feel drowsy, it actually disrupts sleep and can make it difficult to stay asleep throughout the night. I avoid drinking alcohol completely, but if you choose to consume alcohol, try not to consume more than one drink per day.   

7. Eat a healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet is also important for good sleep. Eating foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar can help promote restful sleep. Eating antioxidants promotes better sleep. Eating too much OR too little can disrupt sleep, so don't overindulge, but be sure to get the right amount of calories for your body. In addition, avoiding large meals before bedtime can prevent indigestion and make it easier to fall asleep.  Your body needs a rest from digestion while sleeping, so avoid all late-night snacks so your body can truly rest.

8 . Manage stress levels  
Managing stress levels is crucial for good sleep. When we are stressed, our bodies produce cortisol, which is a hormone that makes us feel alert. Cortisol is necessary for certain functions, but too much too often wear down our bodies and make it harder to sleep. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, essential oils, or consider talking to a therapist if stress levels are consistently affecting your ability to sleep. This is also a great way to regulate this hormone. 

9 . Take breaks during the day 
If you have trouble sleeping at night, it may be because you are not taking enough breaks during the day. Our bodies need time to rest and recover, so make sure to take breaks throughout the day. For some people, taking a short nap in the afternoon can also help improve nighttime sleep. 

10 . Limit naps 
For many people, napping during the day can interfere with nighttime sleep, so limit naps to no more than 30 minutes. If you find yourself feeling tired during the day, try taking a brisk walk instead of taking a nap, or take 10 minutes to meditate and let your body relax. (One caveat - if you have a nursing infant - sleep when they sleep.  Don't worry about limiting your naps mama - you need more sleep!)

11 . Go outside 
Getting outside during the daytime can help improve nighttime sleep. Exposure to natural light helps regulate our circadian rhythm, which is our internal clock that tells us when we should be awake and when we should be asleep. An hour outside is ideal, but a half hour will do in a pinch.  Plus, being outside is so beneficial for our body and soul!  So don't just send the kids out - go out with them - you will all benefit.  

If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t despair. There are a number of things you can try to get better sleep. Create a routine and make sleep a priority by doing those things throughout the day that will support your sleep. You may find that you feel better rested and have more energy during the day if you commit to getting enough quality sleep each night.  Make sleep a priority, mama — you deserve it!
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