Immunity Boosters

Immunity Boosters

Looking for Immunity?  Start with these!  

Cruciferous vegetables are so amazing for your body! 

Bok Choy
Broccoli rabe
Brussel Sprouts
Collard Greens
Turnips/Turnip greens

Did you know that Cruciferous vegetables detoxify your body?  Consuming a variety of these on a daily basis (along with other healthy choices) gives you a huge boost and protection against infection and cancer.   (Dr. Fuhrman, Super Immunity)

It is best to eat around 2 servings per day of these veggies - 1 raw (chew really well), 1 cooked (but don't over cook).  

Experiment with these.  You may be surprised that they taste great!   

I love to combine rutabaga and turnips with carrots, onions, garlic, and potatoes and roast them covered in the oven.  
Cut into small pieces, pour in vegetable broth to about an inch.  Sprinkle with sea salt, onion powder, and oregano.  (You can use oregano vitality oil instead of dried for a more robust flavor, but remember 1-2 drops is enough)  350 for 1 hr 30 min.

Most of these are great steamed with a little salt, or raw in a salad.  There are a lot of creative recipes, but watch out for those that add in foods that are not healthy!

Happy eating!

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How do I get my kids to eat their spinach?

How do I get my kids to eat their spinach?
Is it a fight at your house?  
Or do your kids eat spinach like Popeye?

Spinach: the super food!

Spinach is one of those super foods we all know is good for us, but getting most kids (and adults - let's be honest!) to eat it can be difficult!  

One piece of advice for moms-to-be:   eat a lot while you are pregnant** and breastfeeding and when you start your little one on solid foods, start with vegetables!  This will help the taste be familiar and your child will accept it much more readily.   
**Bonus - spinach contains folate, which you need for the optimum development of your sweet baby!

We need to eat greens both raw and cooked every day for the nutrients they contain.  When served on a regular basis, kids and adults will get used to them and learn to enjoy them.

Pro parenting tip:  serve vegetables first - this has helped our kids learn to eat just about everything - although it can be a process.  Set the healthy expectation that everyone eats the same thing and vegetables are required! 

One of my favorite ways to get spinach in our diet is to put it in smoothies!  These are total kid pleasers!  One of our "rules" is that a handful of spinach goes into every recipe.  I use a Vitamix blender - it will blend just about anything super smooth!  

Have Picky Eaters? Grab this guide: 7 Strategies to Help Picky Eaters Eat!

Here are a few of our morning pleasers.


1 handful of spinach
2 cups frozen mango
2 bananas (freckled)
1 peach
1/2 lemon - juiced
2-3 cups water/non dairy milk
3 drops cinnamon bark essential oil

Mixed berry

1 handful of spinach
2 cups frozen mixed berries
2 bananas (freckled)
1/2 carrot
1/2 lemon - juiced
2-3 cups water/non dairy milk
3 drops tangerine essential oil


1 handful of spinach
2 cups frozen strawberries
2 bananas (freckled)
1/2 lemon - juiced
1 apple
2-3 cups water/non dairy milk
3 drops lemon essential oil

This one is not sweet
1-2 handfuls of spinach
1-2  handfuls of kale (spines taken out)
1 cucumber - skin scrubbed, but not peeled
1 thumbnail sized piece of fresh ginger
1 lime- juiced
1-2 drops ginger essential oil
1-2 drops lime essential oil
(This can also be juiced - if you prefer - add the essential oils at the end)

Use leftovers to fill popsicle molds for later - my kids go through these so fast!  (I would recommend the Spinach/Kale smoothie to be consumed as a liquid.)

You may have noticed I use freckled bananas to sweeten them.  Hard green bananas will not have the same effect.  

If you are looking to transition gradually - sweeten the smoothies at first or add yogurt.  Little by little lessen the amounts of those ingredients as your taste adjusts (and it will!).

Looking for additional reading material?  

Super Foods Rx, By Steven Pratt, M.D., and Kathy Matthews is fantastic!

Eat to Live-audio / Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is excellent! 

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