The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain

The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain
Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. But let’s face it, it can also be incredibly emotionally and physically draining. That’s why today, we are talking about the unspoken secret of being a mom: mom-brain. Let’s explore the science behind this all too common phenomenon.

The Science Behind Mom-Brain
The term “mom-brain” has become popular amongst moms to describe when they feel like their brain is foggy and their memory isn’t what it used to be. To some extent, this is normal for any person who gets less sleep than usual or experiences high levels of stress. But for moms, this feeling seems to occur more frequently because there are always little ones around needing care and attention that can easily take precedence over everything else.

Hormones also play an important role in why being a mom can feel so draining on the brain. During pregnancy and after childbirth, hormonal fluctuations can affect your mental state as well as your energy levels. Hormones like oxytocin (which helps you bond with your baby and causing you to focus on his/her needs) and cortisol (which is released during stress and overwhelm) are especially important in this regard – both come into play when you become a mom and can make the experience even more emotionally taxing than ever before, especially if you do not have a good support system.  All these work together to create mom-brain.

The Impact of Self Care on Mom-Brain
It’s easy for moms to get caught up in taking care of everyone else first before themselves – but that won’t help you stay energized! That’s why taking time for yourself every day is essential if you want to avoid feeling drained all the time as a mom. Taking just 10 minutes each day to do something you enjoy – whether it be reading a book, going for a walk, or just meditating – can help restore your energy levels and improve your overall mental health. Holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation & prayer, proper nutritionherbal remedies, essential oils – whatever works best for you - should also be part of your self-care routine to ensure that you remain happy and healthy while parenting small children!

Ask For Help
Moms need more support, period.  Spouses must step up - ask and be specific with what you need, whether it's washing dishes, folding laundry, or enabling you to take a break.  Extended family and friends in the area are usually more than happy to help out - just ask.  If you don't have a village to help and support you, start now to develop friendships. Join a church, community organization,  or bookclub, go to the library or the park, or reach out and meet your neighbors.  This may seem counterintuitive, since it takes time and energy, but when you develop friendships, you will have support when you need it, and you can also reciprocate!  Create your village. 

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world but unfortunately, it can also be pretty draining at times, causing the all too familiar mom-brain. Understanding why being a mom is so emotionally taxing will help you manage better through those tough moments! From hormones to lack of sleep and everything in between, there are many reasons behind why being a parent feels so exhausting sometimes - but don't forget that self-care and support play an important role too! If you take some time out everyday for yourself and have others helping, then chances are you'll be able to handle the anything that comes with motherhood better than ever before! So go ahead and give yourself some much deserved TLC - because when mama's happy everybody's happy!
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How to Refresh and Recharge as a Mom

How to Refresh and Recharge as a Mom
Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, but it can also be incredibly draining. Some moms even burn out.  Between caring for your family, managing the household, and taking care of yourself, it’s no wonder why many moms feel like they have no time left for themselves. That’s why it’s so important to take time to refresh and recharge—not just for the sake of your own health, but also in order to be the best mom you can be. Let's look at a few of the ways that holistic moms can stay refreshed.

Self-Care Rituals
It may sound cliché, but self-care really is essential for every mom. Without taking time for yourself, you won't have enough energy or enthusiasm to take care of your family. Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night, eating healthy meals throughout the day, having a daily self-care routine, and practice some sort of self-care ritual at least once per week (like getting a manicure or facial). Doing something that makes you feel special will go a long way towards helping you stay refreshed and recharged.  See more Self Care Rituals here.

Start a Hobby
Having a hobby is another great way to refresh and recharge as a mom. Hobbies don’t need to be expensive or time consuming; they can be anything from gardening to reading books. Even something as simple as going on daily walks with your dog can help you clear your mind and recenter yourself after an exhausting day with the kids. Having something that is just yours—something that isn’t related to work or parenting—is essential for recharging your batteries.

Say “No” More Often
One of the hardest things about being a mom is feeling like everything has to be perfect all the time—but this isn't realistic! It's okay (and even necessary) to say “no” sometimes when friends or family ask for favors; this will give you more time in your day to focus on yourself and your family without having extra obligations on top of everything else you are already doing. The key here is not saying “yes” out of guilt; if someone else needs help, let them know what resources are available outside of you so that both parties can win!

Taking care of yourself should always come first—especially when it comes to being a mom! Refreshing and recharging doesn't have to be complicated or expensive; it simply requires finding activities that make YOU feel special and fulfilled while still making sure all other obligations are taken care of first. Self-care routines and rituals, starting hobbies, and saying “no” more often are all great ways for holistic moms to stay refreshed so that they can continue being their absolute best selves!

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What Mom Burnout Feels Like

What Mom Burnout Feels Like
Moms are superheroes. They juggle so much that it’s almost impossible to keep track of all the balls they’re trying to keep in the air. But one thing is for certain, mom burnout is real and can affect even the most capable of moms. So, what does it feel like? Let’s find out.

Numbness & Exhaustion
Mom burnout often feels like a fog of numbness and exhaustion. You may feel as if you have nothing left to give, but you know that there is still more to do – laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, and more. It can be hard to stay motivated when you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks that need to be done and the lack of energy you have to get them done.

Anxiety & Self-Doubt
Mom burnout doesn't just take a toll on your physical and emotional health; it can also affect your mental health too. It can leave you feeling anxious and full of self-doubt, like no matter what you do it will never be enough or good enough. You may also be struggling with feelings of guilt or shame for not being able to “do it all” or handle your responsibilities with ease.

Anger & Resentment
Finally, mom burnout can lead to feelings of anger and resentment towards those around you – your spouse, family members, or even yourself. You may find yourself snapping at people for no reason or feeling frustrated by their inability (or unwillingness) to help out or understand how hard this parenting gig really is. Even if you don't outwardly express these feelings, they may still linger inside and contribute to your overall sense of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Mom burnout is real and it looks different for everyone who experiences it. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, know that you're not alone in feeling this way - many moms have been there before! Remember that taking care of yourself first will help you better take care of your family in the long run - so make sure to make time for yourself whenever possible! By practicing self-care activities such as yoga, meditation, or taking a break from social media for a few days each week – whatever works best for YOU –you’ll soon be back on the path towards feeling like Supermom once again!  

Here are some other ways to refresh and recharge.
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How to Get Kids Focused with Holistic Brain-Friendly Foods

How to Get Kids Focused with Holistic Brain-Friendly Foods
 As parents, we strive to give our kids the best tools possible for success. However, sometimes they struggle with their focus in school or their brains can’t seem to get on track. It’s easy to blame the teacher if you send your kids to public school, but we must look at our own actions first. Are you providing your child with the right foods that will help them stay focused throughout the day?  Food is medicine for your body, and breakfast is essential to set up a good learning environment. Read below for some tips on how to get your kids focused with holistic brain-friendly foods. 

Start With Breakfast 
Getting your kids off to a great start begins with breakfast that fuels their minds, not distracts it. Sugary cereals, breads, and processed snacks should be avoided because they lead to an energy boost followed by a crash which can affect concentration levels when learning during the day. Instead of giving them these types of processed cereals for breakfast, feed them whole grains such as oats, millet, or quinoa and add in some nuts and fruits for extra nutrients. Also adding in healthy fats like almond butter can help provide lasting energy throughout the morning hours. 

Incorporate Brain-Boosting Superfoods 
Certain superfoods are known for their ability to improve brain health and functioning in children. Incorporating these into their diets can really help increase focus and concentration levels while also boosting memory recall and cognitive skills. Some examples include blueberries, salmon, chia or flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, walnuts and dark leafy greens like spinach or kale. These are all packed with vitamins and minerals that promote brain health while also providing long-lasting energy without any sugar crashes or spikes which can disrupt concentration levels throughout the day. 
Find Healthy Alternatives To Snacks & Drinks 
Snack time is inevitable but it doesn't have to be unhealthy! Swap out sugary drinks like soda or juice for water or herbal tea. Instead of candy bars opt for slightly sweetened granola bars or trail mix containing dried fruit pieces and nuts such as almonds or walnuts - both great sources of Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for optimizing brain functioning in children. If you find your kids reaching for chips try substituting vegetable sticks like carrots, peppers, or celery served with hummus instead - this provides great nutrients AND flavor! And if all else fails chocolate covered nuts are always a great option too!  

Feeding your children brain-friendly foods helps make sure they get off on the right foot each morning at school and is key in helping them stay focused throughout the day despite whatever distractions may occur around them! Start incorporating these holistic approaches into meal planning today so you can rest assured that when it's time to learn they have everything they need inside of themselves (and what's on their plate)to achieve success!

Have picky eaters?  Grab this guide: 7 Strategies to Help Picky Eaters Eat!
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Goal Setting for Moms Part 10: How do I Set Goals with my Family?

Goal Setting for Moms Part 10:  How do I Set Goals with my Family?

Looking for ways to set goals as a family? Whether it’s planning activities to do together or working on long-term projects, there are a few key steps you can employ to make goal setting fun and rewarding. Here’s how you can get started with family goal setting today. 

Step One: Brainstorm Ideas Together 
When it comes to brainstorming ideas, the focus should be on being creative and having fun. Try not to criticize any of the ideas that come up; even if they seem far-fetched, let everyone have their say! This is also a great opportunity to introduce new skills or hobbies that your family may not have tried before. Write down all of your ideas on a whiteboard or piece of paper so everyone can see them, then move on to Step Two. 

Step Two: Prioritize Your Goals 
After you have come up with some great ideas for things your family wants to accomplish this year, it’s time to prioritize those goals. Make sure everyone has a chance to voice their opinion about which goals are most important and why. This will help ensure that your plans align with everyone’s interests and expectations. Make sure that each goal is realistic and achievable within the timeframe you have planned for it. 

Step Three: Break Down Your Goals Into Actionable Steps  
Once you have prioritized your goals, break each one down into smaller actionable steps so that the tasks don't feel too daunting or overwhelming. For example, if one of your goals is to go camping together as a family this summer, break it down into manageable tasks such as researching campsites in the area and purchasing essential camping gear (tent, sleeping bags, etc.). This will help keep everyone on track and motivated as they work towards achieving their goal!  

Family goal setting is an excellent way for families to bond while also staying focused on achieving their shared objectives. It’s important to remember that goal setting should be fun—not frustrating—so make sure everyone has an equal say in what goes onto the list of priorities for this year! With clear targets in mind and achievable action steps laid out ahead of time, you can ensure that your family accomplishes something great together this year!

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