Can you become an author without writing a whole book?
Have you ever thought about writing a book?  It may seem daunting, especially if you aren't a "writer."  I have always loved writing, but not everyone has lists of books in their mind, or in secret notebooks like I do.  

Enter a book collaboration.  This is one book that has contributions from many different individuals.  Each person writes a chapter or a portion of the book.  One chapter is not so daunting!  I have now participated in two book collaborations with different publishers and am working on my next one.  It is a delightful experience!  
Would you like an insider's view?

With some guidance from the publisher on the purpose, style, and feel of the book, we start writing our chapter.  With many different authors, there are many differences in how we write.  As we keep our readers in mind, we share the deep emotions of our journeys, many things that haven't been shared publicly before, and also include hope and encouragement.  

Next the writers wait while the editing process takes place to help make the unique chapters a cohesive whole, bringing the style together, while also fixing grammar, punctuation, etc.  Each author makes the suggested changes and the book is then compiled.  

As a whole book, more editing takes place so that it flows and the purpose is easily achieved.  Then it is proofread. These are different people with specific things they are looking for and it takes some time.  

In the meantime, author pictures, bios, and websites are collected and the cover, author graphics, webpages, and trailer video are created and improved.  There are many things in the background that are worked out for publishing.  

Then the authors get to read the entire book and beta readers (volunteers) read the book and give feedback.

As it gets closer to the launch date, it is so exciting!  Reality hits when the proof copy is made with your name on the cover!  

Each of these book collaborations have been with a specific purpose in mind to reach out and help others; to show the world that wounds can be healed, that women are strong, and that we are not alone in our struggles.  As I have read through feedback and reviews, it is wonderful to see the impact these books are having on the world!  

As for me, I have forged beautiful friendships and have been blessed by the opportunity to have a positive impact on others and at the same time feeling their positive impact on me.  

Find the books here

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