Choose Joy!
As I was reading in the New Testament this afternoon, I was overcome with gratitude that Jesus Christ died for me, for you, for all of us.  His sacrifice for us was made with pure love.  If we have Faith, we have access to His Grace.   In this we can rejoice!  (For those who want to read it: Romans chapter 5.)  There is so much to rejoice in as we put our Faith and trust in God.  

But what about when we are wading through trials and the hard times just don't let up?  So many of us have gone through long, drawn out difficulties.  
When we are are deep in the trenches, we can't always see our way out or how we could possibly grow or learn from the experience.  We are just trying to make it through day by day.  These verses also talked about rejoicing in tribulation, for trials give us patience, experience, and hope.   So much of our learning depends upon where we put our focus.  When we keep our eyes on the Savior and reach out to Him, our trials are our best teachers.

When my back was broken by a doctor, I suffered so much pain in my body and had a long, difficult healing journey.  However, I chose to look to God in Faith.  I continued with my daily spiritual habits, which kept me close to Him.  I focused on doing my best to care for my infant, even though there were times when I needed a lot of help.  I also worked hard to attain my goal of graduating college, even though I considered quitting many times.  I was able to grow and learn, and also rejoice in the good things of life, no matter how small.  

One thing we can remember is that we are loved, especially when trials overtake us and seemingly keep us down.  God will send the Holy Ghost into our hearts which comforts and guides us while we are in the dark.  So many of us go through trials in our lives that are so difficult, we wouldn't wish them on anyone else.  Yet, when our focus is on the love of our Savior, we still have reason to rejoice!  

During my own trials, I have truly felt loved.  I know God was right there beside me and He sent others to bless my life.  He helped me see the good that was right in front of me and He gave me strength as I cared for my children.  He helped me 
see that I was worth advocating for, and that I could choose joy through my trials.  
Have you gone through something difficult recently?  Were you able to rejoice during that time?  How did you get through?  Did you feel loved and did you choose joy?  I would love to hear your story!

If you would like to hear more of my story, I have written about it in this book, which is full of inspiring stories of 25 women who chose Joy amid life's difficulties.  

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