Being a mom can be one of the most rewarding and yet challenging roles to take on. With all that we have to do and manage, it is easy to forget our own needs and put ourselves last. But did you know that self-care is possible for busy moms? It’s true! Here are just a few suggestions:
Prioritizing Your Mental Health
It can be hard to find time for yourself as a parent, but it is so important to prioritize your mental health. Don’t underestimate the power of taking a few minutes each day just to breathe deeply, meditate, or practice mindfulness exercises. There are great free resources available online which provide guided visualizations and relaxation techniques. You can even make time while cooking dinner or folding laundry by listening to one of these recordings! Taking time out of your day in this way will help you stay centered and recharged throughout your day-to-day activities.
Making Time For Exercise
It may seem like an impossibility with everything else going on in life, but setting aside some time for exercise can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself. And it doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym—you could fit simple exercises into your daily routine such as stretches during commercial breaks or yoga poses before bedtime. Even taking a few minutes out of your day for regular walks outside can help you stay energized and balanced on days when there isn't much time for anything else.
Getting Help From Others
If you are feeling overwhelmed or stretched too thin, don’t hesitate to get help from those around you! Ask friends and family members if they would be willing to lend a helping hand with childcare duties or household chores when needed. If there isn’t anyone close by who can help out, consider hiring a babysitter so that you can take some time away from home—whether it be just an hour at the park nearby or a full evening away with friends—to relax and recharge your batteries. If finances are tight, many communities offer free programs where mothers can find support with childcare services and other resources they need in order to thrive as parents while still making sure their own needs are met as well!
Self care may seem like an elusive concept when you are a busy mom trying to juggle many different priorities at once, but it really is achievable! Taking small steps every day towards prioritizing your mental health, getting some exercise into your routine, and asking for help when needed can make all the difference in how fulfilled and energized you feel overall. So don’t forget that self-care is possible even amidst the chaos - go ahead and give yourself permission today!
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In addition to eating well and exercise, one of the most important things we can do for our hearts is to nourish them with good nutrition and healthy supplements. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which ones are best for us. Luckily, Young Living offers a variety of essential oil supplements that can help support your heart health. Let’s take a look at four of their top products: Cardiogize, OmegaGize™ 3, MindWise™, and NingXia Red®.
Cardiogize is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping your heart strong. This supplement is an insightful blend of herbs and minerals, including CoQ10, selenium, garlic, astragalus, dong quai, motherwort, and hawthorn berry, to help support healthy circulation and cardiovascular function. Formulated with supporting essential oils, Cardiogize helps revitalize cells so that you never miss a beat!
OmegaGize™ 3 is a powerful supplement made with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and pure essential oils that work together to support your cardiovascular system. It helps keep cholesterol levels in check, supports healthy blood pressure levels, maintains a healthy metabolism, and promotes healthy circulation throughout your body.
MindWise™ is another great supplement from Young Living that uses herbs and other natural ingredients to help maintain mental clarity and alertness while promoting normal cognitive function, while also supporting normal cardiovascular function. This supplement supports heart and brain health by replenishing the body with Omega 3 fatty acids, CoQ10, L-alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC), and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR).
NingXia Red® is a powerful antioxidant drink made from whole wolfberry puree combined with other superfruits like blueberry juice concentrate, pomegranate juice concentrate, grape seed extract, plus several citrus essential oils full of D-Limonene. This supplement helps reduce oxidative stress on the body and promotes cellular energy production which is key for maintaining optimal heart health over time.
As holistic moms we know how important it is to protect our hearts by making sure we're taking care of them nutritionally. Young Living's line of essential oil supplements offers some great options when it comes to supporting our cardiovascular system including Cardiogize, OmegaGize™ 3, MindWise™, and NingXia Red®. By incorporating these supplements into our daily routine we can make sure that our hearts stay strong so they can continue serving us well into old age!
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As a holistic mom, you know the importance of looking after your heart health. But did you know that certain herbs are excellent for supporting cardiovascular wellness? From garlic to hawthorn, many herbs are known for their healing properties and positive effects on the heart. Let’s explore some of the best herbs for heart health and how they can help you in your quest for holistic wellbeing.
Garlic is one of the most potent natural remedies available, and its benefits extend far beyond repelling vampires! Garlic is an anti-inflammatory agent, making it great for reducing inflammation in the body that can lead to hypertension or other cardiovascular issues. It contains high levels of sulfur-containing compounds called allicin, which are thought to be largely responsible for its medicinal properties. Allicin also helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Hawthorn is a shrub native to Europe and Asia that has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. Studies have shown that hawthorn extract can help strengthen the heart muscle, boost circulation, and improve overall heart health by supporting healthy blood pressure levels. It may also help reduce stress-induced arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). For best results, try taking hawthorn extract daily as part of a holistic heart health regimen.
Ginger is another popular herbal remedy that has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Studies have found that consuming ginger root can help reduce bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels. Ginger can also help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body, both of which are important factors when it comes to maintaining cardiovascular health. You can add fresh ginger root to your diet in small amounts or take ginger supplements as recommended by your doctor or naturopath.
Taking care of our hearts is essential if we want to maintain good physical and mental wellbeing! Fortunately, there are many herbs out there that offer wonderful benefits when it comes to heart health support—from garlic to ginger, these natural remedies pack quite a punch when it comes to improving cardiovascular wellness! Add them into your diet today and start reaping the rewards for yourself! Good luck on your journey towards holistic heart health!
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Being a stay-at-home mom is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding, yet exhausting jobs you can have. Whether you are new to being a stay-at-home mom or have been doing it for years, chances are that you’ve experienced the physical and emotional exhaustion that comes with the job. Let’s take a deeper look into why being a stay-at-home mom can be so exhausting.
The Physical Exhaustion
Being a stay-at-home mom means that your entire day revolves around taking care of others—your kids, your spouse, and even your extended family. From waking up early to get breakfast ready for everyone in the house to making sure all activities are taken care of throughout the day and still having energy left to put the kids to bed at night, staying at home with your kids can be physically draining. When you have infants and toddlers, there is a lot of bending, lifting, and carrying, and that is all in addition to burning the candle at both ends when they are up at night. Even if you don’t need to leave the house during the day, there is still plenty of physical labor involved in running a household such as laundry and cleaning. In addition, if you do decide to go out in public with children in tow, there will likely be extra running around—literally!
The Emotional Exhaustion
In addition to all the physical labor involved in caring for your family as a stay at home mom, there is also an emotional toll that can come with it. No matter how much you love being home with your children and family members, it can still be emotionally taxing because of all the demands placed on you every day. Not only must you provide food and shelter for your family but also make sure their emotional needs are taken care of as well. This means constantly checking in on them emotionally and finding ways to bring joy into each day no matter how exhausted you may feel yourself.
It can also be emotionally draining when trying to figure out what works best for each member of your family—every person has different needs and wants which means that finding ways to meet those needs without sacrificing too much of yourself takes time and effort. And let’s not forget about trying to find time for yourself! Taking breaks away from parenting duties often gets pushed aside due to exhaustion or lack of time or resources but carving out “me time” is just as important as taking care of everyone else!
Being a stay-at-home mom certainly isn't easy but it can absolutely be worth it when done right! Although it's impossible (and unhealthy) not to experience any exhaustion while raising children at home full time, understanding why this feeling comes up can help us combat it more effectively by finding ways to better manage our time and prioritize our own needs alongside those of our families. With some self reflection and simple lifestyle changes we can make sure we take care of ourselves both physically and mentally so that we can enjoy our journey as moms even more!
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As a holistic mom, you know that self-care is an important part of living a healthy, balanced life. But what about self-advocacy? It’s an often overlooked but essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to maintaining your health. Let’s take a look at what self-advocacy means and how it can help keep you and your family healthy.
What is Self Advocacy in Health?
Self-advocacy in health involves having the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about your own health care. This means caring for yourself at home in ways that support your health and prevent health issues. This means researching treatment options and advocating for yourself when dealing with doctors, insurance companies, or other healthcare providers. It also means knowing when to seek out additional opinions or seek out alternative treatments.
Why Is Self Advocacy Important?
Having the ability to advocate for your own health is important because it allows you to take control of your own medical care instead of relying on someone else to make decisions for you. Self-advocacy can help ensure that you get the best possible care by allowing you to make informed decisions based on all available information and resources. It also empowers you to ask questions and speak up if something doesn’t feel right or if a diagnosis doesn’t seem correct.
By advocating for yourself, you are more likely to receive better quality care that meets your individual needs rather than just agreeing with what your healthcare professional tells you without question. This can lead to better outcomes since they aren’t always 100% accurate with their diagnoses or treatments, and you know your body better than anyone else.
How Can You Do It?
The first step in self-advocating for your health is educating yourself about different treatments and diagnoses so that you can make informed decisions about which ones are best for you and your family. You should also keep track of all medical records, test results, alternative treatments, medications, etc., so that they are easily accessible if needed. Additionally, it’s important to develop relationships with trusted healthcare providers who will listen to your concerns and answer any questions that you have. Finally, don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t feel right or if a diagnosis doesn’t seem correct—it could save your life!
Self-advocacy is incredibly important when it comes to managing one's health as well as your family's health; however, many people don't realize its importance until they find themselves in need of its benefits! Educating yourself on different treatments and diagnoses will enable you to make informed decisions regarding the healthcare course of action best suited for yourself or those close to you. Additionally, having strong relationships with trusted healthcare providers who listen intently will go a long way in making sure nothing slips through the cracks during diagnosis or treatment processes - potentially saving lives! Be sure not to be afraid to speak up if something does not feel right - this could prove invaluable in emergency situations! In short, self-advocacy is key when it comes to caring for one's well-being!
This is something I had to learn the hard way when a doctor broke my back. I was afraid to speak up after he had laughed at my concerns. Read more about that here.
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