The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain

The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain
Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. But let’s face it, it can also be incredibly emotionally and physically draining. That’s why today, we are talking about the unspoken secret of being a mom: mom-brain. Let’s explore the science behind this all too common phenomenon.

The Science Behind Mom-Brain
The term “mom-brain” has become popular amongst moms to describe when they feel like their brain is foggy and their memory isn’t what it used to be. To some extent, this is normal for any person who gets less sleep than usual or experiences high levels of stress. But for moms, this feeling seems to occur more frequently because there are always little ones around needing care and attention that can easily take precedence over everything else.

Hormones also play an important role in why being a mom can feel so draining on the brain. During pregnancy and after childbirth, hormonal fluctuations can affect your mental state as well as your energy levels. Hormones like oxytocin (which helps you bond with your baby and causing you to focus on his/her needs) and cortisol (which is released during stress and overwhelm) are especially important in this regard – both come into play when you become a mom and can make the experience even more emotionally taxing than ever before, especially if you do not have a good support system.  All these work together to create mom-brain.

The Impact of Self Care on Mom-Brain
It’s easy for moms to get caught up in taking care of everyone else first before themselves – but that won’t help you stay energized! That’s why taking time for yourself every day is essential if you want to avoid feeling drained all the time as a mom. Taking just 10 minutes each day to do something you enjoy – whether it be reading a book, going for a walk, or just meditating – can help restore your energy levels and improve your overall mental health. Holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation & prayer, proper nutritionherbal remedies, essential oils – whatever works best for you - should also be part of your self-care routine to ensure that you remain happy and healthy while parenting small children!

Ask For Help
Moms need more support, period.  Spouses must step up - ask and be specific with what you need, whether it's washing dishes, folding laundry, or enabling you to take a break.  Extended family and friends in the area are usually more than happy to help out - just ask.  If you don't have a village to help and support you, start now to develop friendships. Join a church, community organization,  or bookclub, go to the library or the park, or reach out and meet your neighbors.  This may seem counterintuitive, since it takes time and energy, but when you develop friendships, you will have support when you need it, and you can also reciprocate!  Create your village. 

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world but unfortunately, it can also be pretty draining at times, causing the all too familiar mom-brain. Understanding why being a mom is so emotionally taxing will help you manage better through those tough moments! From hormones to lack of sleep and everything in between, there are many reasons behind why being a parent feels so exhausting sometimes - but don't forget that self-care and support play an important role too! If you take some time out everyday for yourself and have others helping, then chances are you'll be able to handle the anything that comes with motherhood better than ever before! So go ahead and give yourself some much deserved TLC - because when mama's happy everybody's happy!
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Eating Your Way to Better Brain Health: Brain Fog

Eating Your Way to Better Brain Health: Brain Fog
Are you feeling foggy and forgetful? Is it hard to focus on the tasks in front of you? If so, you are most likely experiencing brain fog. Brain fog is a common issue that many of us experience—especially busy moms! While there are many things that can cause brain fog, such as lifestyle choices or even an underlying health condition, one of the most effective ways to avoid it is through nutrition.

Let’s first start by looking at the foods that can make your brain work better. Foods rich in healthy fats like avocados and walnuts help keep your brain functioning properly because they provide essential fatty acids, which are necessary for optimal brain performance. Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are also great sources of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can help give your brain a boost. Other sources of essential vitamins and minerals include fruit, colorful vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, and beans.

Next up is hydration! Our brains need water to function properly; in fact, our brains are composed of 70% water! Staying hydrated throughout the day is key to keeping your mental clarity sharp. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out toxins from your system while keeping your brain alert and focused.  Additionally, sipping on herbal teas can also be beneficial; some teas have natural compounds that may help improve cognitive function.

Of course, supplements can help support your body - but let’s talk about whole food supplements.  These are different from synthetic supplements in that our bodies can absorb the nutrients so much easier. Whole food supplements like my favorite red drink are amazing at helping lift brain fog and help with focus.  Omega 3s are much needed and help support our memory and focus.  

Finally, let’s talk about food sensitivities. Food sensitivities can be tricky to identify because they don't always cause obvious symptoms like stomachache or headache; instead it often presents itself as fatigue or difficulty concentrating. Common culprits include gluten, dairy and sugar - all highly processed ingredients - so try focusing on whole foods instead for optimal nutrition intake. Eating foods with minimal processing ensures you get all the essential nutrients needed for your body (and mind!) to function optimally! Check your food sensitivities here.

All in all, nutrition plays an important role in maintaining good mental health—it's not just about what we eat but how we eat too! When it comes to eliminating brain fog, incorporating nutrient-dense whole foods into our diets is key — think omega-3 fatty acids from avocados and walnuts; leafy greens packed with vitamins; complex carbs like quinoa for sustained energy; teas packed with natural compounds; and plenty of water throughout the day! With these simple steps you'll be sure to keep that pesky brain fog away!
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Self Care is Possible, Even for Busy Moms

Self Care is Possible, Even for Busy Moms
Being a mom can be one of the most rewarding and yet challenging roles to take on. With all that we have to do and manage, it is easy to forget our own needs and put ourselves last. But did you know that self-care is possible for busy moms? It’s true! Here are just a few suggestions: 

Prioritizing Your Mental Health
It can be hard to find time for yourself as a parent, but it is so important to prioritize your mental health. Don’t underestimate the power of taking a few minutes each day just to breathe deeply, meditate, or practice mindfulness exercises. There are great free resources available online which provide guided visualizations and relaxation techniques. You can even make time while cooking dinner or folding laundry by listening to one of these recordings! Taking time out of your day in this way will help you stay centered and recharged throughout your day-to-day activities.

Making Time For Exercise
It may seem like an impossibility with everything else going on in life, but setting aside some time for exercise can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself. And it doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym—you could fit simple exercises into your daily routine such as stretches during commercial breaks or yoga poses before bedtime. Even taking a few minutes out of your day for regular walks outside can help you stay energized and balanced on days when there isn't much time for anything else.

Getting Help From Others
If you are feeling overwhelmed or stretched too thin, don’t hesitate to get help from those around you! Ask friends and family members if they would be willing to lend a helping hand with childcare duties or household chores when needed. If there isn’t anyone close by who can help out, consider hiring a babysitter so that you can take some time away from home—whether it be just an hour at the park nearby or a full evening away with friends—to relax and recharge your batteries. If finances are tight, many communities offer free programs where mothers can find support with childcare services and other resources they need in order to thrive as parents while still making sure their own needs are met as well!

Self care may seem like an elusive concept when you are a busy mom trying to juggle many different priorities at once, but it really is achievable! Taking small steps every day towards prioritizing your mental health, getting some exercise into your routine, and asking for help when needed can make all the difference in how fulfilled and energized you feel overall. So don’t forget that self-care is possible even amidst the chaos - go ahead and give yourself permission today!
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Why Being a Stay at Home Mom is Exhausting (Even When You Love It)

Why Being a Stay at Home Mom is Exhausting (Even When You Love It)
Being a stay-at-home mom is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding, yet exhausting jobs you can have. Whether you are new to being a stay-at-home mom or have been doing it for years, chances are that you’ve experienced the physical and emotional exhaustion that comes with the job. Let’s take a deeper look into why being a stay-at-home mom can be so exhausting.

The Physical Exhaustion
Being a stay-at-home mom means that your entire day revolves around taking care of others—your kids, your spouse, and even your extended family. From waking up early to get breakfast ready for everyone in the house to making sure all activities are taken care of throughout the day and still having energy left to put the kids to bed at night, staying at home with your kids can be physically draining. When you have infants and toddlers, there is a lot of bending, lifting, and carrying, and that is all in addition to burning the candle at both ends when they are up at night. Even if you don’t need to leave the house during the day, there is still plenty of physical labor involved in running a household such as laundry and cleaning. In addition, if you do decide to go out in public with children in tow, there will likely be extra running around—literally!

The Emotional Exhaustion
In addition to all the physical labor involved in caring for your family as a stay at home mom, there is also an emotional toll that can come with it. No matter how much you love being home with your children and family members, it can still be emotionally taxing because of all the demands placed on you every day. Not only must you provide food and shelter for your family but also make sure their emotional needs are taken care of as well. This means constantly checking in on them emotionally and finding ways to bring joy into each day no matter how exhausted you may feel yourself.
It can also be emotionally draining when trying to figure out what works best for each member of your family—every person has different needs and wants which means that finding ways to meet those needs without sacrificing too much of yourself takes time and effort. And let’s not forget about trying to find time for yourself! Taking breaks away from parenting duties often gets pushed aside due to exhaustion or lack of time or resources but carving out “me time” is just as important as taking care of everyone else!

Being a stay-at-home mom certainly isn't easy but it can absolutely be worth it when done right! Although it's impossible (and unhealthy) not to experience any exhaustion while raising children at home full time, understanding why this feeling comes up can help us combat it more effectively by finding ways to better manage our time and prioritize our own needs alongside those of our families. With some self reflection and simple lifestyle changes we can make sure we take care of ourselves both physically and mentally so that we can enjoy our journey as moms even more!

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