The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain

The Unspoken Secret of Being a Mom: Mom Brain
Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. But let’s face it, it can also be incredibly emotionally and physically draining. That’s why today, we are talking about the unspoken secret of being a mom: mom-brain. Let’s explore the science behind this all too common phenomenon.

The Science Behind Mom-Brain
The term “mom-brain” has become popular amongst moms to describe when they feel like their brain is foggy and their memory isn’t what it used to be. To some extent, this is normal for any person who gets less sleep than usual or experiences high levels of stress. But for moms, this feeling seems to occur more frequently because there are always little ones around needing care and attention that can easily take precedence over everything else.

Hormones also play an important role in why being a mom can feel so draining on the brain. During pregnancy and after childbirth, hormonal fluctuations can affect your mental state as well as your energy levels. Hormones like oxytocin (which helps you bond with your baby and causing you to focus on his/her needs) and cortisol (which is released during stress and overwhelm) are especially important in this regard – both come into play when you become a mom and can make the experience even more emotionally taxing than ever before, especially if you do not have a good support system.  All these work together to create mom-brain.

The Impact of Self Care on Mom-Brain
It’s easy for moms to get caught up in taking care of everyone else first before themselves – but that won’t help you stay energized! That’s why taking time for yourself every day is essential if you want to avoid feeling drained all the time as a mom. Taking just 10 minutes each day to do something you enjoy – whether it be reading a book, going for a walk, or just meditating – can help restore your energy levels and improve your overall mental health. Holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation & prayer, proper nutritionherbal remedies, essential oils – whatever works best for you - should also be part of your self-care routine to ensure that you remain happy and healthy while parenting small children!

Ask For Help
Moms need more support, period.  Spouses must step up - ask and be specific with what you need, whether it's washing dishes, folding laundry, or enabling you to take a break.  Extended family and friends in the area are usually more than happy to help out - just ask.  If you don't have a village to help and support you, start now to develop friendships. Join a church, community organization,  or bookclub, go to the library or the park, or reach out and meet your neighbors.  This may seem counterintuitive, since it takes time and energy, but when you develop friendships, you will have support when you need it, and you can also reciprocate!  Create your village. 

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world but unfortunately, it can also be pretty draining at times, causing the all too familiar mom-brain. Understanding why being a mom is so emotionally taxing will help you manage better through those tough moments! From hormones to lack of sleep and everything in between, there are many reasons behind why being a parent feels so exhausting sometimes - but don't forget that self-care and support play an important role too! If you take some time out everyday for yourself and have others helping, then chances are you'll be able to handle the anything that comes with motherhood better than ever before! So go ahead and give yourself some much deserved TLC - because when mama's happy everybody's happy!
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How to Find More Energy as a Busy Mom

How to Find More Energy as a Busy Mom
As a mom, you're probably used to being on the go. But what do you do when you find yourself suddenly lacking energy? Whether it's from stress, lack of sleep, or simply juggling too many responsibilities at once, feeling lethargic and fatigue can be frustrating and overwhelming. Luckily, there are some simple ways to find more energy as a busy mom. Here are just a few tips that can help you get back on your feet and feel energized again.

Take Time for Yourself
I know, I know. Don't roll your eyes - this is important!  And it doesn't have to take a lot of time. Sometimes the best way to find more energy is by taking a step back and giving yourself time to relax. Schedule regular times throughout the week where you can take a break from your responsibilities and focus on yourself. This could be anything from reading a book or taking a hot bath to meditating or going for a walk in nature. Even just 5-10 minutes with the bathroom door locked can do the trick when you need a breather. Taking time for yourself helps recharge your batteries so that you can tackle all of your other tasks with renewed vigor.

Get Moving
This may seem like an oxymoron when you are tired, but hear me out. Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to increase energy levels naturally. Exercise releases endorphins which not only reduce stress but also give us an extra boost of energy when we need it most. Plus, if you don't have time for an hour-long workout each day, even just 10-15 minutes of light exercise such as stretching or walking around the block can make all the difference in how much energy you have throughout the day.

Eat Well
Don't grab the C.R.A.P.!  Eating healthy meals throughout the day is essential if you want to keep your energy levels up. Try to focus on whole foods such as fruits and vegetables that will provide lasting fuel instead of sugary snacks that will give you an initial surge of energy but then lead to another crash later on. This juice is my favorite for a natural, non-caffeinated pick-me-up that keeps me going like the energizer bunny!  Also, make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water—dehydration can lead to fatigue very quickly!

Nobody said being a mom was easy! But by following these simple tips, finding more energy doesn’t have to be so difficult either. Take time for yourself, get moving regularly, and eat nutritious meals—all three of these strategies can help busy moms stay energized throughout their hectic days so they don’t end up feeling drained before dinner time rolls around! With just a few small changes in lifestyle habits, moms everywhere can enjoy more pep in their step each day!  Happy energizing!                
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5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Every Day

5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Every Day
Feeling exhausted? Tired of reaching for that second cup of coffee just to make it through the day? This seems to be an epidemic with moms! I know the feeling of being a "mombie" and barely dragging myself through the day or falling asleep at the dinner table!  Thankfully, there are some natural ways to boost your energy every day. Read on to learn more about five simple and natural ways you can get your energy levels up.

Exercise – Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your physical health AND your mental clarity! Exercising releases endorphins which will not only make you feel good mentally but also give you the physical energy you need throughout the day. Even if you don’t have time for a full workout session or jog around the block, find little ways to move throughout the day such as taking a quick walk or doing some stretches in between tasks.

Hydration – Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can cause fatigue so make sure you’re getting in at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated! Water not cutting it? Try herbal teas like chamomile or green tea which are known for providing an extra energy boost while still being hydrating.  If you don't like the taste of water, or need electrolytes, try these drops, they add yummy taste, electrolytes, and energy!  

Enough Sleep - Believe it or not sleep deprivation is one of the main causes of low energy during the day! Make sure that you are getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in order to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the next day.  Many times this is easier said than done, but be mindful to get as much as possible!

Ningxia Red – This powerful drink is filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help support overall health and vitality. Not only can Ningxia Red help support healthy energy levels, but it also helps fight oxidative stress, improves blood flow and circulation, and helps maintain normal liver function. Plus, it tastes great! Try adding this delicious drink into your daily routine for an extra energy boost.

Vitamin B – Vitamin B is commonly used to increase energy levels due to its important role in helping convert food into fuel for our bodies. If you’re feeling sluggish try taking a vitamin B supplement each morning with breakfast or add foods naturally high in Vitamin B such as eggs and beans into your diet!

Increasing your daily intake of Ningxia Red, exercising regularly, staying hydrated with water and herbal tea, taking a Vitamin B supplement, and making sure that you are getting enough sleep are all great ways to naturally boost your energy levels throughout the day without relying on sugary drinks or caffeine-filled beverages. And while these methods might take some time to adjust too they will be well worth it once they become part of your daily routine! Try out these tips today and see how much better they make you feel!   

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Jumpstart Your Health- Lose the Weight, Lose the Inflammation

Jumpstart Your Health- Lose the Weight, Lose the Inflammation
Wanna lose 7-20 lbs and feel 20 years younger in less than 2 weeks? (These are average numbers)

We're  reversing inflammation, which is the first step to everything you don't want to happen in your body....and while we do it, weight falls off, and energy increases as well.

This is about finding a healthy weight for you, which is an unbloated, energetic, and brilliant version of yourself.  It all happens together when you do it this way.

Oh, and the whole program is totally free :) (all you have to pick up is the whole food vitamin/mineral supplement you'll need to do the jumpstart)

This is the last time you will ever need to do this, and it starts at the beginning of each month, so just let me know if you're in,(either by message or below) and I'll get you on the list for the group when the doors open.

I am crazy excited because I've already seen the results!

I've seen several lose up to 30 lbs in less than 2 weeks!  In addition to that (because this is not some weird weight loss's about decreasing inflammation.), here's what else is happening:

-Decreased joint pain

-Tumors and cysts shrinking or completely going away!

-Wayyyyyy more energy

-improved eyesight

-Not feeling the need to eat sugary sweets 24/7 (addiction, really.  When that gets kicked without feeling like it's unsustainable...that's where real miracles happen)

-Aches and pains GONE!

-People are able to put their wedding rings on again after YEARS of not being able to wear it because their fingers were too swollen. (inflammation)

-People are seeing their ankle bones again for the first time in may know how impressive this is...for some, cankles were a real thing....and now they're a real thing of the past.

-Better sleep, more energy...and the list literally goes on and on and on......

Weight is the thing we SEE, but the rest is what we FEEL, and ultimately what keeps us here longer with our families :)

We do this every month, so make sure you message me as soon as possible to grab your supplements you need to get in to the next group!

Again, this program is TOTALLY FREE. All you need are the supplements. 

Here's to a truly better life!

Email me at for more details and to get started!  Be sure to put "Jumpstart" in the title, so I can get to you quickly.

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Recharge Your Batteries: Drink NingXia Red for Better Sleep and More Energy

 Recharge Your Batteries: Drink NingXia Red for Better Sleep and More Energy
When I was pregnant with my 7th child, I was depleted.  I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep at the dinner table every night.  A friend recommended this antioxidant drink to me, and I was desperate, so I tried it.  The very first day, I drank some in the afternoon just before my energy levels usually tanked. I went through the afternoon and surprisingly stayed awake through dinner. In fact, I was awake until 10, which was impossible before!  I never felt a rush, and I never had a crash; I just kept going.  I kept drinking it, and it had the same effect every day.  I drank a whole bottle during labor and delivery and then kept drinking it throughout my time breastfeeding. It was my lifesaver with such little sleep. I have not stopped drinking it because of its continued benefits!   

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