The Connection Between Emotions and Organs
In holistic health, it's widely recognized that our emotions can have a profound impact on our physical bodies. Emotions are often stored in specific organs, leading to physical discomfort and even chronic illness if left unaddressed. Understanding where these emotions are held can be the first step towards healing and releasing them. Here is a guide to which emotions are commonly associated with which organs:

Liver: Anger and Frustration

The liver is often associated with anger and frustration. When these emotions are not properly expressed or processed, they can lead to liver-related issues such as high blood pressure, digestive problems, and even liver disease. Techniques to release anger can include physical activities, expressive arts, and essential oils like peppermint and chamomile.

Lungs: Grief and Sadness

Grief and sadness are emotions commonly stored in the lungs. Prolonged periods of unprocessed grief can lead to respiratory issues, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, or even frequent colds. To help release grief, practices such as deep breathing exercises, talking about your feelings, and using essential oils like eucalyptus and lavender can be beneficial.

Kidneys: Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are emotions that can significantly impact the kidneys. Chronic fear can lead to kidney problems such as adrenal fatigue, urinary issues, and lower back pain. Techniques to release fear and anxiety include grounding exercises, relaxation techniques, and essential oils like sandalwood and clary sage.

Stomach: Worry and Stress

The stomach is the center for worry and stress. When these emotions are overwhelming, they can cause digestive problems such as ulcers, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and the use of essential oils like ginger and peppermint can help to ease these emotions.

Heart: Hurt and Emotional Pain

The heart is deeply connected to feelings of hurt and emotional pain. These emotions, when unresolved, can lead to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and even heart attacks. Techniques to release hurt include practicing forgiveness, engaging in loving-kindness meditation, and using essential oils like rose and ylang-ylang.

Spleen: Obsessive Worry and Pensiveness

The spleen is associated with obsessive worry and pensiveness. These emotions can lead to issues like fatigue, anemia, and poor appetite. Releasing these emotions can be achieved through balanced nutrition, acupuncture, and essential oils like frankincense and orange.

Gallbladder: Resentment and Bitterness

Resentment and bitterness are often stored in the gallbladder. These emotions can manifest as gallstones, digestive issues, and tension headaches. Techniques to release these emotions include journaling, reflective practices, and using essential oils like lemon and rosemary.

Bladder: Jealousy and Holding On

The bladder is connected to emotions of jealousy and the inability to let go. These emotions can result in bladder infections, urinary problems, and lower abdominal pain. Practices to release these emotions include hydration, visualization techniques, and essential oils like juniper and cypress.

Colon: Control Issues and Fear of Letting Go

The colon is often linked to control issues and a fear of letting go. These emotions can cause constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other digestive issues. Releasing these emotions can involve relaxation techniques, dietary adjustments, and essential oils like fennel and patchouli.

Understanding the connection between emotions and organs is a powerful step toward holistic healing. By addressing and releasing these stored emotions through various techniques, including the use of essential oils, you can promote physical and emotional well-being. If you're ready to begin your journey to emotional and physical health, consider booking an Emotional Release Session to start experiencing the benefits of this holistic approach.

If you need help in letting go, I offer emotional release sessions.  
Just any essential oils will not work for emotional release.  Find the best here.
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