Discover the Power of Emotional Release Sessions
Unlock True Wellness by Addressing Root Causes

Do you often feel weighed down by bodily discomfort that seems to have no physical explanation? Have you tried countless remedies and treatments, only to find that your symptoms persist? The root cause of much of our bodily discomfort can often be traced back to unprocessed emotions. Emotions are not just fleeting feelings—they can become stored in different parts of our bodies, leading to physical tension, pain, and overall dis-ease.

 What Are Emotional Release Sessions?

Emotional Release Sessions are a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on identifying and releasing stored emotions from the body. Utilizing specific methods honed over 20 years of experience, I will guide you through a transformative process to unlock the emotional blocks that may be causing your physical discomfort. 

How Do Emotional Release Sessions Work?

1. Personalized Assessment: We begin with a thorough assessment to identify the emotions that may be causing your physical symptoms. This involves a deep dive into your personal history, current emotional state, and specific areas of discomfort. This involves muscle testing.
2. Identification of Emotional Storage: Emotions can be stored in various parts of the body, such as anger in the liver, grief in the lungs, or fear in the kidneys. I will help you pinpoint the exact locations in your body where these emotions are held.

3. Essential Oils for Emotional Release: Essential oils have powerful properties that can aid in the release of stored emotions. I will create a customized blend of high-quality essential oils specifically chosen to support your emotional release process. These oils will be applied through gentle massage, inhalation, or diffusing techniques.

4. Guided Emotional Release Techniques: Through a combination of guided meditation, breathwork, and other holistic practices, I will help you release these trapped emotions. This process is gentle, supportive, and deeply healing.

Benefits of Emotional Release Sessions

- Relieve Physical Discomfort: By addressing the root emotional causes, many clients experience significant relief from chronic pain, tension, and other physical symptoms.
- Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Releasing stored emotions can lead to a profound sense of emotional freedom, peace, and balance.

- Improved Energy Levels: Emotional blocks can drain your energy. Freeing these blocks can result in a noticeable boost in vitality and overall energy.

- Greater Mental Clarity: Letting go of stored emotions often clears the mind, leading to improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity.

Why Choose My Emotional Release Sessions?

As a holistic health coach, I bring a wealth of experience and a compassionate, personalized approach to each session. My methods are designed to work synergistically, combining the best of emotional therapy and the therapeutic power of essential oils to create a deeply healing experience.

Ready to Begin Your Journey to True Wellness?

Don't let stored emotions hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life by booking your Emotional Release Session today.

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For any questions or to learn more about how Emotional Release Sessions can benefit you, please feel free to contact me below.  I look forward to supporting you on your journey to emotional and physical well-being.

Are you a DIY-er? 
Grab these oils, this book and this book to get started.