Can you really make your own dishwasher detergent? Yes!!
I started making my own many years ago. I have adjusted it some over the years, and it works well.
This is a DIY that's super simple and you can use common household ingredients that I keep in stock to make sure that I have what I need for my dishwasher and other recipes, too. I use bulk supplies because they are cheaper and this specific type doesn't have any aluminum, which is important! When you're trying to avoid toxic products in the first place don't get baking soda with aluminum or anything else that has toxic ingredients.
1 cup borax.
1 cup of baking soda.
1/4 cup citric acid (opt)
10 drops lemon essential oil
15 drops orange essential oil
Work out lumps in powders with a fork.
Be careful not to breathe in the dust.
Add essential oils and work it in.
Store in airtight container with organza bag of rice to control moisture.
Use vinegar as a rinse aid.
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