Wanna lose 7-20 lbs and feel 20 years younger in less than 2 weeks? (These are average numbers)
We're reversing inflammation, which is the first step to everything you don't want to happen in your body....and while we do it, weight falls off, and energy increases as well.
This is about finding a healthy weight for you, which is an unbloated, energetic, and brilliant version of yourself. It all happens together when you do it this way.
Oh, and the whole program is totally free :) (all you have to pick up is the whole food vitamin/mineral supplement you'll need to do the jumpstart)
This is the last time you will ever need to do this, and it starts at the beginning of each month, so just let me know if you're in,(either by message or below) and I'll get you on the list for the group when the doors open.
I am crazy excited because I've already seen the results!
I've seen several lose up to 30 lbs in less than 2 weeks! In addition to that (because this is not some weird weight loss program..it's about decreasing inflammation.), here's what else is happening:
-Decreased joint pain
-Tumors and cysts shrinking or completely going away!
-Wayyyyyy more energy
-improved eyesight
-Not feeling the need to eat sugary sweets 24/7 (addiction, really. When that gets kicked without feeling like it's unsustainable...that's where real miracles happen)
-Aches and pains GONE!
-People are able to put their wedding rings on again after YEARS of not being able to wear it because their fingers were too swollen. (inflammation)
-People are seeing their ankle bones again for the first time in FOREVER....you may know how impressive this is...for some, cankles were a real thing....and now they're a real thing of the past.
-Better sleep, more energy...and the list literally goes on and on and on......
Weight is the thing we SEE, but the rest is what we FEEL, and ultimately what keeps us here longer with our families :)
We do this every month, so make sure you message me as soon as possible to grab your supplements you need to get in to the next group!
Again, this program is TOTALLY FREE. All you need are the supplements.
Here's to a truly better life!
Email me at holisticsupermom@gmail.com for more details and to get started! Be sure to put "Jumpstart" in the title, so I can get to you quickly.
My blogs contain some affiliate links.
Any purchase made is a blessing to my family at no extra cost to you!
Thank you for supporting us!
When I was pregnant with my 7th child, I was depleted. I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep at the dinner table every night. A friend recommended this antioxidant drink to me, and I was desperate, so I tried it. The very first day, I drank some in the afternoon just before my energy levels usually tanked. I went through the afternoon and surprisingly stayed awake through dinner. In fact, I was awake until 10, which was impossible before! I never felt a rush, and I never had a crash; I just kept going. I kept drinking it, and it had the same effect every day. I drank a whole bottle during labor and delivery and then kept drinking it throughout my time breastfeeding. It was my lifesaver with such little sleep. I have not stopped drinking it because of its continued benefits!
Inflammation. We’ve all heard the word, but do we really know what it means? For some, it conjures up images of red, swollen joints or area of skin that just won’t heal. However, inflammation is actually a much more complicated process than what you can see with your own two eyes. Let’s unpack this mysterious phenomenon and get to the bottom of what inflammation in your body is all about.
What Is Inflammation?
Inflammation is an immune system response to foreign objects or injured tissue. It can take place anywhere in the body and can be triggered by a variety of sources, including infection, injury or even stress. When inflammation occurs, white blood cells rush to the affected area in order to fight off any potential pathogens or toxins. This influx of white blood cells causes swelling and increased warmth at the site due to increased circulation.
Types Of Inflammation
There are two main types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is short-lived but intense—think sprained ankle or a cut finger that swells up quickly after being injured. Chronic inflammation is more subtle and long-lasting—think asthma or arthritis that may flare up from time to time over months or even years. Both types of inflammation can be detrimental if not properly managed, as they can cause serious damage to tissues over time if left untreated.
Managing Inflammation
Fortunately, there are several holistic methods you can use to manage both acute and chronic inflammation naturally. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon) can help reduce overall inflammation levels in your body over time. Eating antioxidants is another way to reduce inflammation - these are found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Making sure your body gets enough rest is also important for reducing inflammation levels since fatigue weakens your immune system which makes it easier for bacteria and other pathogens to enter your body via cuts and scrapes on your skin or through breathing air particles into your lungs. Additionally, regular exercise helps keep your muscles strong which decreases joint pain associated with certain inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Finally, managing stress levels through stretching, meditation, simple breathing exercises, or essential oils helps prevent hormones associated with stress from flooding your system causing an inflammatory response from your immune system when unnecessary.
Understanding how inflammation works within our bodies is essential for maintaining optimal health levels overtime and avoiding the damaging effects of uncontrolled chronic inflammation which has been linked with various diseases ranging from heart disease to cancer over recent years according to multiple studies conducted by medical professionals worldwide.. By following a few simple steps such as eating a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, getting enough rest each night and exercising regularly along with managing stress levels through relaxation techniques you can maintain healthy levels of both acute and chronic inflammation within your body helping you stay fit throughout life!
My blogs contain some affiliate links.
Any purchase made is a blessing to my family at no extra cost to you!
Thank you for supporting us!
Inflammation is a natural process ...
Chronic inflammation is a prolonged state where the body's defense system attacks healthy tissues, causing damage over time...
To reduce chronic inflammation...
Read more...Inflammation is a natural response to injury or illness, but it can also signal more serious health issues. It’s crucial for holistic moms to recognize the five key signs of inflammation to maintain their families' well-being. Understanding these symptoms allows for timely intervention and proper care.
By identifying these signs, holistic moms can take action to ensure prompt and effective care, helping prevent prolonged inflammation and its complications.