The Power of Informed Choice: Refusing Medical Treatment

The Power of Informed Choice: Refusing Medical Treatment
When it comes to health, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Everyone has different needs, and those needs are best served when we can make an informed choice about the treatments that are right for us and our families. For holistic moms, this means having the ability to refuse medical treatments when alternative or preventive methods may be more effective and appropriate. Let’s explore why informed choice is so important when it comes to healthcare decisions.

The Benefits of Prevention and Alternative Medicine
Prevention and alternative medicine are two approaches to healthcare that prioritize natural healing processes over traditional treatments, such as drugs or surgery. These approaches may involve lifestyle changes such as exercise, nutrition, relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation, therapies such as acupuncture or massage therapy, herbal remedies, essential oils, dietary supplements, energy healing techniques such as Reiki or Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), and many other modalities. Research shows that these approaches are often just as effective—if not more—than traditional medical treatments for many conditions.

The Need for Informed Choice
However, in some cases, prevention and alternative medicine are not given the same respect as traditional medical treatments—even though they can be just as effective. This can lead to situations where people are not given the chance to make an informed decision about their own care; instead of being offered preventive options or alternatives to conventional treatments, they may be told by their doctor that only a particular drug or surgical procedure will work for them. This puts the patient in a position where they don’t feel they have any real choices when it comes to their health care decisions.  Since most medical treatment options have unwanted side effects, the option to choose differently is absolutely necessary. 

The Importance of Informed Choice
It is essential that everyone be able to make an informed decision about their healthcare needs—especially holistic moms who prefer prevention and alternative medicines over conventional ones. People must have access to all available treatment options—including prevention and alternative medicine—so they can make informed choices about which treatments might work best for them without feeling pressured into accepting something they don't want or need. This helps ensure that everyone gets the best possible care for their individual circumstances.

As holistic moms know all too well, taking control of one's own health is essential for long-term wellbeing. Allowing individuals to make an informed choice about which treatments are right for them—including preventive measures and alternatives to conventional medicines—is key to ensuring people get the care they need without feeling forced into something they don't want or need. By giving everyone access to all available treatment options, we can ensure that each person gets the best possible care tailored specifically for them!
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What is Informed Choice and Why It Matters for Holistic Moms

What is Informed Choice and Why It Matters for Holistic Moms
As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. You want to make sure that the healthcare decisions you make for them are based on the best possible information, which is why informed choice in healthcare is so important. But what does informed choice actually mean? Let’s dive into it and explain why it matters for holistic moms.

What is Informed Choice?
Informed choice means that you have full knowledge of all of the risks and rewards associated with any proposed medical treatments or interventions before making a decision. This means that you are not just taking your doctor’s word for it; instead, you are doing your own research, reading up on the latest studies, and discussing options with other experts in order to make an informed decision. The idea behind informed choice is that it gives you more control over your health care decisions and helps prevent mistakes due to misinformation or lack of information.  

The Benefits of Informed Choice
Informed choice can be especially beneficial for holistic moms who want to take a proactive approach to their child’s health care. By researching potential treatments and interventions, holistic moms can make sure they understand the risks associated with each one before making a final decision. This allows them to make better-informed choices about what type of treatment or intervention, if any, will be best for their child’s health needs and overall wellbeing.  It also gives moms the confidence that comes with knowledge and prevents them from being "walked on" by health professionals. Additionally, informed choice can also help reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary tests or interventions that may not be necessary or beneficial for their child’s situation.

How To Implement Informed Choice
Implementing informed choice into your healthcare decisions begins with having honest conversations with your doctor about any potential treatments or interventions being proposed. Ask questions about why this particular option was offered and what other alternatives might be available. Once you have all the facts at hand, do some independent research as well as consult with other resources such as holistic doctors or natural health practitioners who may have different expertise than your primary care physician. Finally, take all this information into consideration when making an educated decision about what will be best for your child’s health needs.

Making informed choices in healthcare is an important part of being a parent—especially if you are a holistic mom seeking alternative options that align with your family’s values and beliefs. Doing research ahead of time ensures that you have all the information necessary to make an educated decision about how to proceed with or without any potential treatments or interventions being proposed by your doctor without sacrificing quality care along the way!

Find out what happened to me when I didn't have the confidence from my own research and knowledge to stand up for myself and make an informed choice here.
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What is Self Advocacy in Health?

What is Self Advocacy in Health?

As a holistic mom, you know that self-care is an important part of living a healthy, balanced life. But what about self-advocacy? It’s an often overlooked but essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to maintaining your health. Let’s take a look at what self-advocacy means and how it can help keep you and your family healthy.

What is Self Advocacy in Health?
Self-advocacy in health involves having the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about your own health care. This means caring for yourself at home in ways that support your health and prevent health issues. This means researching treatment options and advocating for yourself when dealing with doctors, insurance companies, or other healthcare providers. It also means knowing when to seek out additional opinions or seek out alternative treatments.

Why Is Self Advocacy Important?
Having the ability to advocate for your own health is important because it allows you to take control of your own medical care instead of relying on someone else to make decisions for you. Self-advocacy can help ensure that you get the best possible care by allowing you to make informed decisions based on all available information and resources. It also empowers you to ask questions and speak up if something doesn’t feel right or if a diagnosis doesn’t seem correct.
By advocating for yourself, you are more likely to receive better quality care that meets your individual needs rather than just agreeing with what your healthcare professional tells you without question. This can lead to better outcomes since they aren’t always 100% accurate with their diagnoses or treatments, and you know your body better than anyone else.

How Can You Do It?
The first step in self-advocating for your health is educating yourself about different treatments and diagnoses so that you can make informed decisions about which ones are best for you and your family. You should also keep track of all medical records, test results, alternative treatments, medications, etc., so that they are easily accessible if needed. Additionally, it’s important to develop relationships with trusted healthcare providers who will listen to your concerns and answer any questions that you have. Finally, don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t feel right or if a diagnosis doesn’t seem correct—it could save your life!

Self-advocacy is incredibly important when it comes to managing one's health as well as your family's health; however, many people don't realize its importance until they find themselves in need of its benefits! Educating yourself on different treatments and diagnoses will enable you to make informed decisions regarding the healthcare course of action best suited for yourself or those close to you. Additionally, having strong relationships with trusted healthcare providers who listen intently will go a long way in making sure nothing slips through the cracks during diagnosis or treatment processes - potentially saving lives! Be sure not to be afraid to speak up if something does not feel right - this could prove invaluable in emergency situations! In short, self-advocacy is key when it comes to caring for one's well-being!  

This is something I had to learn the hard way when a doctor broke my back.  I was afraid to speak up after he had laughed at my concerns.  Read more about that here.
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What Happened When I Didn't Self Advocate

What Happened When I Didn't Self Advocate
When I was 21, I had my first child.  After having an epidural, I experienced a lot of back pain and went to a back specialist.  He offered to adjust my back as he felt my hips were misaligned.  He had adjusted my back a few times before, but when I told family members that I was getting my back adjusted, they warned me to be careful of being adjusted because early onset osteoporosis runs in my family.  I expressed my concerns to the doctor, and he literally laughed in my face, saying it wasn't possible to have osteoporosis at my age.  His tone was derisive and scornful.

Looking back now, I should have walked out of the office right then.  He was so disrespectful and didn't even offer to check with an X-ray or bone density test.  But hindsight is 20/20.  I didn't have the confidence at that point to stand up for myself.  I didn't have all the information I needed.  I had a deeply held respect for authority and the belief that doctors knew best.  As he wielded his "I know better than you" card, I shrank and felt so dumb for even bringing up the possibility that he dismissed so completely.  I felt so embarrassed that I didn't even think to ask to be tested.

I humbly climbed up on the table.  He proceeded to crack up, up, up my spine until I heard a crunch and felt pain.  I yelped.  As I stood up, that pain was still there.  I twisted and stretched and told him it hurt, and he brushed it off, saying adjustments are sometimes uncomfortable and it would work itself out.  The pain didn't go away that day, and the next morning, that one spot on my spine was throbbing.  I was traveling for the weekend and sat in a car all day while the pain worsened.  My trip was physically excruciating and miserable, although I tried to smile through the pain. 

When I returned, I went back and demanded an X-ray. I told him the pain started when he adjusted my back before my trip and only got worse each day.  Sure enough, I had a compression fracture.  He and I both knew exactly what had happened.  I was also diagnosed with osteopenia, the precursor to osteoporosis, which was clear from looking at the X-ray.  He was wrong. 

Doctors can be wrong.  They are often wrong!  Much of what they do is guesswork. And they hurt patients because of it!  Many of them are so full of themselves that they won't listen when a patient expresses concerns.  Many of them think they are infallible and don't bother looking into things further when they should. This is a huge problem!  

But another problem is that patients trust too much as I did.  They don't advocate for themselves or walk out when they should. Patients don't do their own research and aren't armed with the knowledge that builds confidence to stand up for themselves.  This can be corrected!  This is one of the biggest reasons I created this website.  I am arming moms with knowledge and confidence to advocate for their own health, both at home and at the doctor's office.      

Read how I got through this time with an infant and a broken back here.
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Are Air Fresheners safe?

Are Air Fresheners safe?
Think of your home as a haven, a place of refuge and respite from the hustle and bustle of the world. But, if you’re like many people, you’re using air fresheners to mask bad odors – whether they be pet odors or just general household smells. Unfortunately, air fresheners are not doing us any favors when it comes to our health. Let's take a closer look at why air fresheners can be so detrimental to our bodies.

Common Types of Air Fresheners
Candles, plug-ins, and spray air fresheners are the most common types of air fresheners used in homes. Candles are made with wax that contains toxic substances such as lead and paraffin. Plug-ins use electricity to power an aerosol canister, which releases chemicals into the air. And spray air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cause endocrine damage and lung damage.

The Dangers of Air Freshener Chemicals
The chemicals released by these types of air fresheners can have serious long-term effects on our health. One type of VOCs found in some popular brands is phthalates, which has been linked to neurological damage, endocrine disruption, cancer, reproductive issues, lung issues, and more. In addition, these chemicals cause air pollution, lingering in the air for hours after they’re sprayed and can build up over time leading to chronic exposure which can be even more dangerous than short-term exposure.

Alternatives to Chemical Air Fresheners
Fortunately there are some alternatives to chemical air fresheners that won't put your family's health at risk. For instance, natural scented candles made with soy or beeswax are safer options because they don't contain toxic pollutants like regular candles do, but use caution with these, some are still hiding chemicals. I prefer not to use any myself. Essential oils diffusers are the best way (in my opinion) to add pleasant aromas without releasing dangerous chemicals into the home environment. Another option is baking soda; simply sprinkle it around your home or add it directly into your vacuum cleaner bag for an extra boost against pet odors or other strong smells!

If you're looking for an easy way to make your home smell better without jeopardizing your family’s health then try one of these alternatives instead of chemical based products! From natural scented candles made with soy or beeswax to essential oil diffusers or baking soda – there are plenty of options available that will help create a healthy home environment while still providing pleasant aromas! With these simple steps you can keep your family safe while still enjoying their favorite scents in the comfort of their own home!

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