Why are sleep cycles important?
Our sleep cycles are incredibly important — and getting enough restful sleep can make the world of difference when it comes to our energy levels! But with the pressures of modern life such as work, family and social commitments piling up, hitting the proverbial pillow at a regular hour is becoming an increasingly distant dream.

The thing is — without proper sleep, our productivity and well-being take a serious hit. So, what do our sleep cycles have to do with all this?

When we’re asleep, we go through different stages of being awake or being in deep restorative slumber. These stages are known as Non-REM (rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep cycles and they each play their own vital role in replenishing the body’s energy reserves.

During Non-REM sleep, which makes up about 75 percent of one's entire sleeping time, heart rate and breathing slow down significantly; meaning that cells can properly regenerate during this time. Furthermore, proper tissue growth in muscles and bones occurs during Non-REM sleep — making it key for athletes or anyone who requires physical strength for their job! On top of that, hormones like HGH (human growth hormone) are released during Non-REM; helping us stay leaner longer!

In REM sleep meanwhile — we experience vivid dreams due to heightened brainwave activity — which helps keep our brains sharp! Most importantly however — non-REM AND REM gets repeated throughout the night several times over until we finally wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

So chronic lack of the right hours of rest can set off a wave of patterns such as fatigue during the day; hormonal imbalances setting you up for mood swings or weight gain; poor concentration making your work suffer; weakened immunity preventing your body from fighting off disease etc. It is safe to say that getting adequate amounts of quality shuteye is essential for optimal energy levels!

To ensure that you get enough restful sleep every night — establishing a regular bedtime routine is key. Aim to turn off all screens at least an hour before going to bed and start winding down by reading a book or engaging in a light stretching session; relative darkness should be enforced within the bedroom too so opt out from having lights on while trying to snooze if possible. And lastly don’t forget to avoid large meals before hitting the sack as digestion problems might disrupt your slumber!

Need more tips on getting better sleep?  Check out: 11 steps to a better night's sleep.

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