Why Should I Eat More Whole Foods?

We all know that nutrition is important. It's the foundation of our health and well-being. But the education provided about nutrition in public schools and by mainstream "experts" is not always accurate. Scientists and nutritionists have been trying to for many years to make changes to what is being taught because the science is very clear on certain things. But there are some industries that pay a lot of money to keep their foods or pseudo-foods on the market and much of it is touted as healthy or at least, not that bad.

So how are we to know what is good for us, and what is not?

For me, the first thing I look at is whether it is a whole food. The more something is processed and the farther away from nature it is, the worse it is for our bodies. If you have a choice between a whole food and a similar processed food, the whole food will always be the winner in a nutrition competition. This means packaged items - you know, the ones in boxes or bags with a ton of ingredients listed - are off the table as a good food choice.

The "funny" thing is that those packaged foods actually sap our energy, while many whole foods boost it. We all have choices - to eat healthy or not - but too often we don't realize how those choices will affect us in the long run. Eating processed foods might be convenient in the short-term, but in the long-term they take a toll on our health. That's why it's so important to make sure that we're getting enough nutrition from whole foods.

What are Whole Foods?
Whole foods are unprocessed and unrefined foods that are free from additives or other artificial substances. They are often organic and locally grown, which helps to ensure that they are of the highest quality. Whole foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Eating a diet rich in whole foods has been shown to improve overall health and well-being.

Why Eat Whole Foods?
There are many reasons to eat whole foods. For one, they are more nutritious than processed foods. Processed foods often have their nutrient content stripped away during processing, leaving them lacking in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Whole foods retain all of their nutrients and fiber content, making them more nourishing for our bodies. Additionally, whole foods tend to be lower in calories than processed foods, making them ideal for weight loss or maintenance. And finally, whole foods are generally more satisfying than processed foods, meaning that you'll be less likely to overeat if your diet consists mostly of whole foods.

What will you choose?

If you're looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, eating more whole foods is a great place to start. Not only are they more nutritious than processed foods, but they're also lower in calories and more satisfying. So next time you're at the grocery store, make sure to stock up on plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds! Your body will thank you for it!

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