Our system enables aspiring writers to succeed by 
making the publishing process fun & easy 
so they can authentically share their story and expertise 
and take control of their careers as published authors.  


You've never been published before?  Learn what to expect from the process.  

Self Publish

Tell us what part of the process you need help with and do the rest yourself.  Formatting, professional editing, proofreading, book cover design, publishing, and marketing are all available.

Full Package

We work hand in hand with you through the whole process to move your ideas from manuscript to printed book.  Formatting, professional editing, proofreading, book cover design, publishing, and marketing included.  Illustrations are separate.    

Grab your checklist to create a guided journal!  
This includes everything you need to send in for publishing.  

Email for estimates:
Who Am I?

I am a best-selling author, editor, and publisher, as well as a health and nutrition coach.  My degree is in Comparative Literature.  Because the publishing industry has been notoriously difficult to break into for years,  many people give up part way through or don't even try to publish in the first place.  I believe every person deserves to have their voice heard and that it should be a simple, logical process.  I am here to help you share your story.  Are you ready to take the reins?
Recent publications.

A Year of Self Love
Jenny Drake

Super Kid's GBOMBS +T Food Journal
Erika Harston Noll

© Take The Reins Publishing  
(subsidiary of Holistic Super Mom LLC)