Super Kid's GBOMBS +T Food Journal
A food journal that encourages good nutrition!
This food journal plus activity book is perfect for families with elementary school age children who are or who want to eat plant based foods. The children have fun while they are learning and becoming aware of their food choices with each day's journal and activity.   Created to be used with Dr Fuhrman's book:  
Disease Proof Your Child.

This children's food journal includes mazes, word searches, coloring, and writing/drawing prompts. There is space to write or draw foods eaten every day. Help your child learn about eating well with this fun to use food journal! This book is designed to be used as a way to help your child learn about GBOMBS +T from Dr. Fuhrman's books. Parents can read Disease-Proof Your Child, Feeding Your Kids Right or Eat To Live by Dr. Fuhrman, and help their whole family move forward to better health! This book is used in Holistic Super Mom's Health and Nutrition Book Club!

You eat food every day. Some food is good for your body and helps you grow strong and healthy. Some food, like junk food, can harm your body. This food journal is to help you learn about some foods that are especially good for your body. Eating some of these every day will help you stay strong and healthy! Write or draw what you eat every day and check off when you eat one of the special foods that are GBOMBS +T. Complete one of the activities each day to learn more and have fun! Set health goals and color the borders to decorate this journal just for you!

Special thanks to Dr. Fuhrman for providing the inspiration and information behind this book. To discover more about the benefits of GBOMBS and the Nutritarian diet, please visit, where you can purchase Dr. Fuhrman's latest book, Eat for Life, and access abundant resource guides, recipes, and more. Dr. Fuhrman®, Nutritarian®, and GBOMBS®, are registered trademarks of DrFuhrman Online, Inc.