Welcome to the Reset!

Take this survey to track your results.

The information collected here is for information purposes only and your personal information will not be shared without consent. We may use this information to generate overall ratings for the group "before" to compare to "after" the 14 day challenge. 
Please save or screenshot a copy of the completed form for yourself to compare how YOU feel before and after the reset! 
Thank you for participating! You will do great!

How would you currently rate the following?  1 being poor and 10 being ideal.
Energy Level
Physical Comfort (Lack of Pain)
Body Image (how you like your body)
Joint Mobility
Skin Appearance
Immune System Function
Mental Acuity/Focus
Quality of Sleep
Overall Wellness
Ability to Handle Stress
Current Weight (lbs.)
Neck (in.)
Chest (in.)
Left Arm (in.)
Right Arm (in.)
Waist (in.)
Hips (in.)
Left Thigh (in.)
Right Thigh (in.)
Left Calf (in.)
Right Calf (in.)
Total Measurements (in.) (watch the video for instructions)
Will you be tracking your results with testing methods? (blood work, insulin, ketosis, etc)
Do you regularly Drink Ningxia Red already?
What is your primary wellness goal and hope for this reset?