My Favorite Books 

for Holistic Super Moms!

I am constantly reading and learning!  
Here is a collection of some of the books that have brought me value - I hope they bring you value, too.  

I would love to hear how you love these books, too.  
Let me know if you have a book you love, too - I will check it out!
Eat to Live Cookbook

The foundation of our health is in the foods we eat.  This cookbook is filled with delicious AND healthy recipes that your family will enjoy!  We have had so much fun with these recipes!

Super Immunity

I learned so much from this book and many of Dr. Fuhrman's other books that help me  and my family stay healthy all year long!  Learning why certain foods are better choices helps when making decisions and is a great teaching tool for kids, too!

Disease-Proof Your Child
This book helps parents feed their children right to reduce asthma, allergies, and ear infections and protect against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Gentle Babies
Essential oils and natural remedies for pregnancy, childbirth, infants and young children.  I've used many of these remedies with success!

Herbs for Children's Health
How to make and use gentle herbal remedies for soothing common ailments.  Herbs are amazing and easy to grow.  They are so versatile and easy to use.  I highly recommend learning about them!

The Unvaccinated Child:  A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers
This gives natural answers to help you when your child has a "vaccine preventable" illness.  Most are fairly simple.  It includes vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, and essential oils.  
Healing Oils of the Bible

If you want to delve deep into scriptural references for essential oils and their biblical uses, this book is for you!  You will also develop a deep understanding of why they do what they do. 

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